Man does not live by bread alone (2) … he also needs CHOCOLATE! 人活著不是單靠麵包 (2) 巧克力也很需要啊!(雙語)

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

My best early memories involve simple but tasty food. My mom would often serve me bread and chocolate after school: a slice of buttered baguette with a slab of dark chocolate on top (the very best kind)! This would keep my stomach quiet («pour te calmer l'estomac» as she put it) until dinner, which French people enjoy much later than in English-speaking countries.

許多童年的回憶跟美好的食物有關係。放學後媽媽常常給我吃麵包和巧克力:棍子麵包上面塗了一層牛油(大陸好像叫黃油),外加一片厚厚的黑巧克力(最好的那種),又簡單又好吃! 法國人進餐時間普遍比英語系國家晚幾個小時,所以小朋友一定要先塞一點東西給他吃(套用我媽的話,就是“讓腸胃安靜一點”)。

Good French bread is hard to come by in Taiwan, and because of the high humidity, it doesn't keep its texture very long. The next best thing is to buy LU's Petit Écolier cookies, often available in Carrefour supermarkets.

台灣很難買到像樣的法式麵包,而且因為濕度太高,口感也不怎麼樣!退而求其次: 家樂福買得到 LU 的 Petit Écolier 餅乾。

The picture of the boy on the box is a little odd. And what do all those French words mean? Actually, the majority are cognates, words that are either borrowed from French or words that come from Latin or ancient Greek (many English words also came from Latin and Greek, too). After you learn how pronunciation and spelling can change over time, you can also figure out what French words mean.

盒子上的小孩有點怪。 還有,那些法文單字又是什麼意思呢? 實際上,大多數是同源詞,不是從法文借來的,就是來自拉丁文或古希臘語的單字(許多法語單字也來自拉丁語和希臘語)。 在您了解發音和拼寫如何隨時間變化後,您還可以無師自通自己看懂法文的意思。

#1 LU = Lefèvre-Utile, the husband and wife team who started this company 創辦這家公司的夫妻

#2 créateur de biscuits depuis 1846 = cookie maker since 1846 創立於1846年的餅乾製造商(創造者) French -eur ~ English -or; French biscuit = Chinese 餅乾= AmE cookies (sweet) & crackers (savory)

#3 The picture shows a traditional French schoolboy wearing a short raincoat, short baggy pants and rainboots 圖中男生穿著短雨衣,短褲和雨靴(一百年前的標準校服)

#4 véritable = the real and authentic ones (not the ones made by competitors) 貨真價實(不是其他廠商製造的冒牌貨)

#5 Petit Écolier = Little Schoolboy (Greek skholè > Latin schola > Old French escole > Modern French école ~ English school; -ier ~ er) 小學生(-ier = 男的, écolière = 女學生

#6 chocolat fin = fine chocolate (In French, adjectives usually come after nouns) 精美巧克力

Previous Chocolate Post

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文通四海 Enthusiastic INTP Polyglot


Thats a great way to learn, or at least recognise French words. Thanks

Learning while enjoying (or reading about) tasty food has always been a winning combination. Thank you for the compliment!

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