Jumping Spiders: a Booklover's Good Friend 跳蛛:蠹魚的天敵,愛書人的好朋友(雙語)

in #cn6 years ago

Because of their principal prey, in Chinese jumping spiders are sometimes called 蒼蠅老虎 cāngyíng lǎohǔ / tsangyng laohuu “[literally] housefly tigers”.

[BEST TAKEDOWN YET!!!! Hyllus diardi hunts down a fly on my hand]


Jumping spiders stalk their prey (somewhat like cats), and when the distance is just right, they can leap several times their body length to attack.

Worlds Biggest Jumping Spider In Slow Motion | Earth Unplugged

Unlike most insects, jumping spiders have excellent vision due to their eight simple eyes, and their bodies can be quite small: the smallest are only about one millimeter.


Phidippus Carolinensis Jumping Spider Being Cute

The best thing about jumping spiders is that they are super cute! What’s more, they are very good friends because they eat silverfish, one of my worst enemies.

最好的留到後面,跳蛛長得超可愛! 更重要的是,因為跳蛛是蠹魚的天敵,所以我把它們視為要好的的朋友!

More Insects

Silverfish: a booklover's worst enemy 蠹魚:愛書人的頭號敵人(雙語


Chinese Radical (signific) 142 虫 (Bloodsucking Creepy-Crawlies) tiaw.tzao, wentz, shoeijyh, shytz 跳蚤, 蚊子, 水蛭, 虱子 tiàozao, wénzi, shuǐzhì, shīzi

Six Legs Bad, Four Legs Good: More Characters with the 虫 radical (shiyih ching’ua lay har.ma rongyuan bianfwu tsyhwey 蜥蜴 青蛙 癩蛤蟆 蠑螈 蝙蝠 刺蝟)


About Me

文通四海 Enthusiastic INTP Polyglot

[Bookworm Paradise: I used to work here! (Downstairs, actually)]


Women don't usually like that sort of pet, but my wife told me she has seen some in our apartment. She doesn't kill them because she knows they are beneficial insects.

Before I got married, I kept a praying mantis for a while. I kept it on a "leash" (a thread) and fed it insects. That was cool, but my three cats are constantly on patrol. They kill anything that moves, so insect pets are out of the question. They have even killed a few geckos 壁虎 bìhǔ / bihhuu. Poor things!


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