Did you know about the Chinese Steemit twin?
I was playing around on Google today and at first I thought someone had stolen my content, but then I find what looks like a Chinese Steemit interface. It seems to be in under construction still but this is very interesting.
On another note, is anyone selling Steemit accounts for Steem? I'd like to get one :)
Wow! It appears to be a front end for Steemit in Chinese.
" to make it easier for Mandarin speakers. " - @noganoo
Cool! I found myself https://www.lorechain.com/@darkflame
yeah, I think so. Just a front end. Not like Golos.
cool, I dont understand quite what this means but I think it must be a positive step in the right direccion
That means that steem will be eassier distributed in china. Good thing because I did not like the clone brother golos for russia. Golos has its own currency and the chinese clone runs with steem.
Thats an incredibly good idea. The more uses we can find for steem the faster mainstream adoption can occurr
That is the point ;-)
Is this a clone like the russian one? or is this one paid in steem?
Seems like it's just an interface, similar to the way busy.org works. Just a Chinese translation of the buttons.
oops! in just a few seconds ... it turns "502 Bad Gateway" lol
Such a teaser! right? haha
it's back now but I lost my interest. lol
what do you mean selling a steemit account?
If you don't have or want to give out your facebook and phone number, there are people that sell steemit accounts with bitcoin. I am hoping I can find someone who will do this for me and sell it for steem instead.