RE: What is Data Overfitting in Machine Learning? 机器学习中的过拟现象
Your work is very interesting and meaningful!!! Even though i don't understand the technicality of it.. lol
I love to learn more about AI/AGI development! May i ask, in the case of "Predict Weight over Height/Gender Using Linear Regression", does the machine process given data and "reorganize" it (come up with a certain formula) or does it also give new insights that were previously unknown?
I'm actually wondering that if 2 AGIs are put in the same environment, do they have similar solutions to a specific task, if not, how is it determined which one has better "potential" or "value"? Because for humans, 2 people can have completely different reactions/solutions in the same situation, and it's very complicated to assess it.
Could you please explain this in layman English/Chinese? Thanks a lot! :D
The model can be built upon the dataset. The example here is actually very simple: y=kx+b, where you have lots of x and y pairs of dataset and you need to estimate the best k and b that can fit most (x, y).