I am serious about sharing Steemit 🌈🌈🌈分享Steemit这件事,我是认真的

in #cn7 years ago




一开始,我并不知道讲什么。然后,经理跟我说,“你可以分享自己写故事的经历啊,我觉得那个挺好的。” (😂😂😂没错,经理都知道我玩Steemit了)的确,我们公司除了我,还没有人还是涉足Steemit,一定可以在新意上面多加几分! 

所以,我这次分享的主题就是——Try Something New? My Steemit Experience.(一想到要在这么多同事面前分享Steemit,就觉得好激动!) 




Have you ever watched this film----Groundhog Day? In that film, the protagonist finds his time always stays on the same day. He meets the same people, says the same words every day. Actually it's quite like our life. How to get out of the dilemma? Let's try something new! 

I start to write blogs since July this year on Steemit. I was not good at writing when I was a high school student, but when I see Steemit on Economist, I want to have a try.  

So what's Steemit? It's a social news community where you can write blogs. and a social networking website on top of a Blockchain database.  




I love groundhogs day. I wish you the best and admire that you are going for it! You will do great especially because you can post in 2 languages.

Where are you from?

China, how about you?

The United States, specifically Texas. Wow China what an amazing time to be living in China! The world power is shifting and China is booming. I would love to learn more about you when i saw you posted about groundhogs day i knew you were an intresting person. What are your posts mainly going to be about?

I wrote many interesting things happened in my life before. Those are in Chinese. But I wrote a story in both Chinese and English before, about strangers. You can have a look if you are interested.

I used upwork to find someone to help me get caught up with online trainings i needed to get done to recieve a bonus. I did the same thing he did with you. I gave her 75 dollars via paypal no contract i paid half up front. If you want some help with english posts i can help you out with making it sound more native. Your english is really good but if you want it even better i wouldnt mind helping.

Wow! Amazing! We have some similar experience! I know my English is far from perfect. It would be great if you can give me some help. Really appreciat that! If you have any question about Chinese, Don't hesitate to ask me.

Quite a short info about Steemit

That's just a beginning of my introduction. I am going to give a presentation about Steemit in my company.






Good on you! Welcome!

Sorry, but my mandarin sucks :(

Thank you. I am going to give a sharing about Steemit in my company next week. I will share the details later.

應該會是個很有趣的報告 :D





hai @sylvia1997 same that you birhday 1997 nice to see you on steemet!


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