My Traveling blog - To the end of the world - Cabo da Roca 走到天涯海角 - 葡萄牙羅卡角之旅 by @kitcat
This article was written by @kitcat / 本文由 @kitcat 撰写提交
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Original text/原文如下:
今天想跟大家介紹我其中一次最難忘的旅程 -葡萄牙的羅卡角之旅。先來點背景介紹吧,羅卡角(葡語:Cabo da Roca),是位於葡萄牙首都里斯本以西方大約40公里葡萄牙境內一個毗鄰大西洋的海岬,是整個歐洲本土大陸的最西點,於這裡的山崖上建了一座紀念石碑,碑上就以葡語寫了一句著名的說話:「陸止於此、海始於斯」(葡語:Onde a terra acaba e o mar começa),意指這裡就是伊比利亞半島的陸地盡頭,前面就是浩瀚無限的大西洋了。
Hello steemian,
Today I would like to bring you guys one of my most unforgotten experience while I was traveling to the Cabo da Roca in Portugal. Cabo da Roca was located in the western part of Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. It was the western-most point of the Europe. There was a monument with the statement 'The land ends here, where the ocean begins.' Isn't it sounds great? Let's start my journey!
This was a sunny day. The weather was so nice for me to visit the Cabo da Roca where it was located on the high ground and seaside.
I moved towards the train station and passed through the Commercial Square. The Status of Joseph I was standing in the center of the Square, guarding the city ever and ever.
I took the train and was heading to Sintra, where was the urban area of Lisbon. It was located in the western part of the country and close to the Atlantic Ocean. The Cabo da Roca was one of the famous attraction in Sintra area.
Rossio Central Train Station - Its interior was nicely designed.
The scenery during the journey was very beautiful.
Sintra was a small town with beautiful landscape. I was taking the bus to the Cabo da Roca from here.
Arriving ar the Cabo da Roca, I could enjoy the beauty of the nature in the first sight. The landscape was so amazing that I couldn't even speak a word for while.
I walked towards the cliff and found the small platform where the monument was located at.
The monument was built to declare the place as the western-most point of the Iberia Peninsular. The words on the monument mean 'The land ends here, where the ocean begins.'
The surrounding scenery: there was the cliff ahead the platform; there was a lighthouse in the right side and a pathway in the left leading the way to a smaller cliff.

The stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean from the cliff.
It was the time for the sunset moment. I returned to the platform and waiting the breathtaking view.

Nice major sunset moment
The little monument for Paul P. Harris, the founder of Rotary International.
There was a little souvenir store near the bus station. You could even get a certificate with your name, certified that you have been to the Cabo da Roca. Of course it was not free.

The Pena Palace
The last photo I captured when I was about to leave this amazing place.
感謝你的閱讀,下回再為大家介紹其他地方 :D
Thanks for your reading and I will bring you more of my traveling sharing in the future.
這裡有關於我的介紹 :)
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Good job!!!!
upvoted and follow my friend ...... if you want support me too as i am new here but i am a good photographer check my travel to Iceland, thank you
@bllaxkwidow nice post man! I am the author of the article. So you may wish to follow me instead :)
followed you!
謝謝 @herlife
Great post, great pictures! ☺
Nice shot! :)
Nice photos of the beautiful beach!
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Looking good! Will follow you!
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@steamitbeta thanks but may be you wish to follow me as I am the author? :)
Amazing place and amazing pictures, I'm sure you had a lot of fun travelling there.