台灣墾丁 & 澎湖之旅 DAY 2~跟我們一起親親小鹿和吃喝玩樂~ Taiwan Kenting & Penghu Trip Day 2~ Follow us to visit the deer, eat and play! by @kanixlam
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Hello, I'm @kanixlam
Thank you @someone for posting my article.
Hope you guys like it :)
Day 2 is a super sunny day too~
Feeling lucky (before coming to Taiwan, the Observatory said there may be a typhoon and made me worried)
Alright, today's target is to try the popular food - Puffer Rice Noodle
After that, we went to the Paradise of Deer to see the lovely deers
Lastly, enjoy the night market in Hengchun township which only available on Sunday
位於屏東縣恆春鎮龍水里糠林南路6號的照利餐廳是到恆春鎮必吃的餐廳之一♪ 餐廳的裝潢充滿「古早味」,亦即是懷舊的味道。
Zhao Li Tingyuan Seafood Restaurant is located in No. 6, Kanglin South Road, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan.
It's a must try restaurant in Hengchun township ♪ The decoration is quite traditional.
The big motor there is so cooool~!
Going here from our inn - Bicycle Inn II, passing the South Gate, it takes just 10~15mins by electric motor, so convenient, but the sun in Kenting is so bright, it's recommended to put on the sunglasses for driving.
Yo~ This is the Puffer Rice Noodle! Honestly, the puffer is not soft enough, and the taste is a bit light, but the rice noodle and the soup is delicate. It's worth a try. The price is just TW$120
烏賊絲放在冰塊上,雖然光吃是沒有味道的,但只要薰著醬油吃就超好味♪ 爽口的肉質配上芥末醬油,味道相當清新呢~ 台幣$280
The "Iced Squid" on the menu also captured our attention.
The squid is put on ice. The taste is too light without the sauces, but it's awesome with the sauces ♪ The texture of quid with the wasabi sauce, taste so fresh~ TW$280
We also ordered Stir-fried Clams. You should try more seafood when you come to Kenting!!! They are cheap and fresh~ Look at this clam~ So big and without any sand inside~ TW$250
We would like to eat some vegetables because we have been suffering from constipation for 2 days (shy)
The waitress said we should try the Stir-fried Water Lotus in Kenting, so we ordered. This is the stem of the water lotus, stir-fried with the shredded ginger. The texture is like sprouts, so refreshing.
When we pay the bill, the boss gave us 2 hand-made puffers with a magnet bottom!! so cuteeeee~~
After the meal, let's go to see the deer ★ The Paradise of Deer is so close to this restaurant~ takes only 5~10mins ride~ not many vehicles on the way.
鹿境的範圍不算大,在踏進園區之前必須要經過精品售賣區,我們必須在這邊先買票才可以進到裡面去 ❤
The Paradise of Deer is not big. Before getting into the deer area, we must pass this souvenir shop, and pay for the tickets here ❤
It's super super hot out there!!! So we could enjoy the air-conditioning here and take a look at the souvenirs here~
Isn't it so lovely?
The paintings on the wall are classy~ Full of the view of nature~
The big pink deer is absolutely a good partner for photo!
這裡還提供了鹿角頭飾讓大家戴著拍照 ❤
Here provides some antlers headdress for taking photos ❤
Stepping out the souvenir shop, it's a must to take photo with this white wooden house~ Many people take photos here with their professional camera and stand~ It would be perfect if the half-naked man is not in my photo (LOL)
趕快進來吧 ❤ 記得進園區後要把門關上~不然小鹿會跑掉的!
Be quick and come in ❤ Remember to lock the door after coming in~ otherwise the deers will escape!
一踏進園區內就有種想哭的衝動 T^T 媽啊~我超愛鹿的!!現在終於可以親眼看見了~還能跟牠們合照~~❤❤❤
Omg~! I just wanna cry when I get in here T^T Because I love deer very very very much!!!!!!!! Now, I could finally visit them~ and take photos with them~~❤❤❤
They seem to enjoy themselves leisurely, but they should be very hot under this weather.
Many deers lay down under the covered place, but this shelter is too small. Other deers can only be burned by the sun.
The paradise separates the pregnant deers, newborn deers with their mother from other deers in the protected area. Remember not to feed the deers in the protected area as they need special food.
The deer with antlers are male~ They look awesome with the antlers!!!
Let's take a photo together~ It has been laying down so long here~ Many people take photos with it, it looks so tired~
然後我們買了紅蘿蔔餵小鹿~這裡有賣紅蘿蔔和草~不過紅蘿蔔受歡迎的程度比草高太多了~所以一定要買紅蘿蔔啊~這樣小鹿們才會乖乖跟著你走~ 紅蘿蔔~ 台幣$100~ 2小桶。
We bought some red carrots to feed them~ there are both red carrots and grass for sale~ but the deers love red carrots much more than grass~ Therefore, you should purchase the red carrots so that the deers will follow you, TW$100 for 2 small buckets
As long as you have the red carrot, deers will stare at you like this.
When you want to feed a deer...
Another one will come to grab it~~ (haha) Which one should I feed~~
From this angle, you can see how much they desire~~~
Each deer has a number on ear~ for breeders to recognize them~
We just pick some grass on the ground to feed them~ but they just take a few bites~ so fussy (LOL)
See how much he enjoys the red carrot (haha) He's wearing a beautiful necklace~
No matter who feeds him, he takes the food with closing eyes, so cute!!!
So yummy, right <3
It licks my belly!!! My boyfriend said he finds a new food (cry) Could that be my fat belly?
It's super lovely from this angle~
My boyfriend took this funny photo~ I changed my mobile phone wallpaper to this immediately!
Can't resist the temptation and bought this bracelet~ One for myself and one for my friend~ Reminder: there is a coupon behind the ticket, it can redeem a drink, or 2 set of food for deer, or shopping cash~ remember to use it~
Such a hot weather, we have to enjoy cold drinks for sure~ It's the season for dragon fruit, so we ordered dragon fruit sorbet, taste sweet~
This mango sorbet is sweeter! So coooooool~~!!!
Great to have a seat in this small shop, so lucky~
We are all wet after going to The Paradise of Deer~ After changing clothes in our inn, we head to the night market of Hengchun township~ This night market is only available on Sunday night, if we miss it, we'll have to wait for next Taiwan trip~ The price of food here is more competitive than that in Kenting night market. Not so crowded here, we can enjoy the food while walking.
This trotter is the best I tried!!! We chose the honey mustard taste.
It's roasted, not fried~
皮超脆~而肉超嫩!!再加上酸酸甜甜的蜂蜜芥末醬,真的是太好吃了!!台幣 $100比港幣$100的好吃多了~真不公平啊~
The skin is so crispy, the meat is very tender!! With the sauce of honey mustard, it's just delicious!! TW$100 only, much better than that of the quality of HK$100 in Hong Kong~ This is not fair~
We ordered some smoked and soy sauce braised food~ The duck tongue is nice!
But it takes some time to queue~
Oyster Omelet is a must try food in the night market~ This one is the best compared with others I tried from other night markets! It's crispy outside, and the oyster is so big!! I wanna order one more~
Many people queue up here, if you wanna try it, come and queue up earlier~!!
Suddenly, my boyfriend stops walking. He is captivated by French Fries (haha) Like a child~
He loves this French Fries very very much~ saying it's super crispy and not greasy~ The seaweed powder and honey mustard sauce is so matching. He keeps saying this French Fries is the most delicious he tried in his life (sounds very exaggerating). But after I try it, I can't agree anymore~ Besides, the chef made two holes under the cup for holding the French Fries, so that it keeps crispy all the time. That's so considerate~! Also, it's just cost TW$60, and it's selling TW$250 in Kenting night market with worse taste!!!
We're so satisfied today and it's time to go back for a rest. We'll continue tomorrow~
If you wanna retrace our Taiwan trip before, please take a look below:
台灣墾丁 & 澎湖之旅 DAY 1~跟著我們去吃喝玩樂吧~ Taiwan Kenting & Penghu Trip Day 1~ Follow us to eat and play!
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great article with a lot of detail,as it appears you love having a great time and exploring the world around you, enjoying the food on the way. I also loved the photos, my friend, very much.
Nice , very friendly deer.
hello, @someone

Nice place for destination. Cool!! Upvote... Please help comment @hadimemories. Thanks
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