[THE FREEDOM KILLER] Totalitarian wet dream comes true as China implements an AI governed, Social Ranking System that punishes discredited citizens and rewards the obedient ones

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the Matrix

It's not a dream

You woke up in a claustrophobic nightmare where, the police state dictates your every action through an AI surveilance system. Every person on earth has a personalized score that determines what kind of a life they will be allowed to live. Basically, it's an enslavement system with punishments like preventing "the untrustworthy" from traveling with trains, airplanes and busses, attending government schools or kindergardens, buying propperty or getting a job and many other restraints. Of course, the list of is a mile long and its only purpose is to zombify the society into a mindless, obedient, herd. No one dares to speak up against the government or the political system. They just "behave", never ask questions and only do as they are told and when they are told to do it.

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Sounds like the worst thing that can ever happen to someone, right?

It's an elitists sickest, most perverted, dream come true. One tool to control and rule an entire nation and in end, the whole world. Its a combination of George Orwell’s "1984" and that episode of Black Mirror where peoples whole life revolves and is controlled by their ratings.

If I was asked to name one thing that I fear the most.

It wouldn't be the possibility of a world war III, synthetically manufactured disseases or man made natural disasters but, the fact that the before-mentioned control system could escape the realm of imagination and speculation to become a reality for everyone, wolrdwide. The new standard. I fear that it will be pushed onto the society by the elites. Explained beforehand in black and white. Announced ahead of time with room for appeal but the zombified herd just won't be able to comprehend what it really means and the consequences it brings.


Mindless in their reasoning, they will praise its implementation.

You might be thinking that I'm out of my mind saying that we, the free, inhabitants of this planet, would ever accept such a horrific and enslaving system

But what if I told you that it is already in place? The elitists check mate has already been played out in China, and its citizens are mindlessly accepting it. They have been stripped naked of their privacy, basic human rights and have been placed under the watchful eye of Big Brothers microscope. They gave their rights and freedom away, without a second of consideration about the consequences of the never ending oppression they allowed themselves to be put in.

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Let's take a peek into the totalitarian GG in action

China, China, China. My God, does my heart ache when I think about what is currently going on there. Under a Trojan Horse of a rating system that will reward trustworthy citizens while punishing the untrustworthy ones, a very incidious mind-control system has been put in place. The goal of which is to: "Purify society." Sounds freaky right? That's because it is. It's something Rockefeller and friends have been talking about more than 10 years ago. The China model. Back when no one knew what it is, they were laughingly mentioning it, waiting for the day when it will finally be put to the test. That day has come.

Now when the control system has finally been rolled out, the sky above China has turned black and the citizens have become more compliant than ever before. They know the rules, and do as they state. Not thinking with their brains any more, but by the rulebook.

They have made obedience to the State a game!

The Trojan Horse aka Social Credit System is so fucked up that many might have a hard time believing what I'm going say now. It's an AI governed, control system that works similarly to Credit Score but, instead of just pulling your financial information, this nightmarish system peeks into every single aspect of your life to evaluate your trustworthiness.

Connected to hundreds of millions of cameras, this AI control system watches your every step. Not only can it recognize and identify every single person it sees, but it simultaneously tracks their every step. Looking if they will maybe drop that piece of paper wrapping or a cigarette bud, on the ground. If it sees that, shiet. Their score is going down. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. If the AI sees you do anything that goes against what the government thinks you should be doing, your score is going down!

While you may not care about the score you get, we will go more in detail about why you should, further down the post.

But first, let's look at other ways of how this control system builds up ones Social Credit Score.

It's messed up!

AI monitoring citizens through surveilance cameras to see if they are behaving is just a small piece of this horrific puzzle. Others include, screening your soial media activities, purchasing patterns, if you pay your bills on time or not, how much time do you spend online, what websites do you visit, jaywalking, traffic violations, refusing to visit elderly parents, sorting out garbage into the appropriate bins or dodging train fares, etc.

For example, if you play too many video games, your score is going to decrease but, if you buy a pair of working shoes it will increase. Pay your bills on time and you will be seen as a good citizen. Don't and suffer the conequences. It's fucking ridiculous!

The list of things that go into the algorithm which decides your score is ever increasing and is controled by the government. It allows them to filter out the "good communists" from the "bad communists" and to control people in a robot like manner.

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If Big Brother deems you "untrustworthy" you will be unable to:

  • Take airplanes or high-speed trains
  • Stay in luxury hotels, going to night clubs or golf courses
  • Buy real estate or lavishly decorating a home
  • Rent high-end office spaces
  • Buy cars that are not necessary for business operations
  • Go on tours and vacations
  • Send your child to private schools
  • Buy premium insurance and wealth-management products
  • Get a job

And many other restraints.

Another dreadful punishment for disobedience is publically shaming "untrustworthy" citizens.


On the other hand, if Big Brother finds you to be a "good" citizen, read sheep, you will be able to get:

  • Free gym membership
  • Cheaper public transport tickets
  • Shorter wait times in hospitals
  • Travel in public service areas
  • Access to government only areas

Don't you see how absurd this is?

The Chinese governemt, a centralized control system has the power to literally destroy you financially and publically if you aren't an obedient sheep. 20 million people have already been blacklisted! Unable to travel or get a job. Expelled from society for playing too much video games, posting a tweet or dropping a chewing gum on the ground.

Many have already been blacklisted unjustly because they were a threat to the Control System.

And because of the Kangaroo Court System, they will never be able to clean up their name and get a positive score, ever again. Imprisoned by AI, forever.

What shocked me the most about this is

How the Chinese reacted to the implementation of this horrific Mind-Control System. There was absolutely no pushback against it. Most (except the blacklisted ones) are just accepting the system without questioning its intentions. They have welcomed it open handedly and are now under complete control of the watchful eye of their the AI. Controlled by their government in every aspect of their lives. Not knowing it, they have handed away their constitutional rights and freedom. They have allowed to be inspected, monitored and controlled, in the most minute part of their lives.

Tracked and monitored 24/7/365. Controlled. Zombified. Obedient.

Why should you care?

Because some might not see the bigger picture here, I'll share it with you. This Mind-Control System is going to be implemented worldwide! China is just a testing zone. If there will be no massive pushback or rebellion against the system, in the next 10-20 years, this system this control system will be implemented in your country, my country, and all others worldwide.

It's a Game Over for us, and Good Game for the Elite

Forget about posting about "conspiracy theories", critical thinking, questioning governments decisions, or any other form of opposing the mainstream narrative of any given event. Every aspect of our lives will be closely monitored and controled by Big Brother. Constrained in an invisible prison or rules and obligations. Not thinking for ourselves, but relying on the AI to decide what we should or shouldn't do.

Freedom will become arhaic and instead of learning from your parents, you will be raised by the AI.

I can't percieve how

The Chinese haven't yet put their foot down and started questioning the legitimacy of such a incidious system. How/Why they haven't rebelled against it yet. Where is the civil war? Where are the pitchforks, katanas and molotov coctails? Probably in their closet so that the AI can't see them. They might be too afraid of the consequences to act accordingly. Who knows. But the problem remains in the people. Their innability to take control of their own lives and the need to be controlled. Like they are sheep who need a shepherd. Insane!

How far will this go?

With the advancments of technology and exponentional learning of AI, it will probably get to the point where they can read our minds and punish us accordingly for "bad" thoughts. Full on Matrix. GAME OVER!


What do you think? Share your thoughts!
How would you react to such a system being implemented in your country?

I wouldn't be happy about it. Nor would I accept it.

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I know that I would be on the first line of defense of our freedom. How about you? Would you be like the Chinese and just accept the Big Brother peeping into and controlling your life, or would you bring out the pitchforks, katanas and AK-47's?

A time has come when we need to defend our freedom from the ones who are supposed to be securing it for us in the first place, the governments. What will you do about it?

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I'm ready to slice them up. How about you?


Let's imagine a world where we overtake that system with a "system" that is benevolent. Let's imagine the world we want for ourselves, others and people yet unborn and let's work toward that goal.

Cryptocurrencies could overtake national currencies in a couple of months to years and making all of today's governments crumble.

Let's prepare for this. I don't think it will be months, though it could that quick, I doubt it will take more than a decade.

I'll expand on those ideas in upcoming posts.

Best post I've read in a while.

I've re-steemed.

That is the goal we are working towards! I just hope tha those in power now, won't be able to take over the decentralized systems that will free us, because the same can enslave us if they control it.

I'm patiently waiting for that day to finally come and for people to start questioning governemtns legitimacy, which is non-existent.

I'm ready! The longer it takes, the more coins I can earn. With sadly, no fiat to invest earning is my only option so I enjoy the waiting game quite a lot. Because I know when the switch happens, crypto prices will soar, so earning them will be hard.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

While I was reading up on this subject I found out about something much more sinister. Their government is sponsoring forced organ harvesting on its people. And the numbers are ridiculous. A genocid is happening right before our eyes, yet no one is talking about. That post is in the pipeline now.

It’s funny that I just coming back from a business meeting in Japan where I based right now, and there was couple of guys who’re not from China but have few offices in China, working on similar projects to help the government to implement more of the same thing you’re talking about in your article.

I always blame the individuals who are willing to create something for sake of making more money to control their fellow human race.

As per your old post about money makes the world go around, so it’s about the time that we got to ask ourselves the things that we do affecting the our fellow citizens in a negative war and if yes we shouldn’t be doing it.

Do good and good come to you.

Let’s do what we can to take this human race forward!

Some of them might not see the big picture of the system their are building. The ones requesting the system being built are deliberately hiring multiple companies to build up the puzzle piece by piece. Thus, the individuals creating specific pieces might not be able to see what the puzzle will look like and what it will do. And those who can see it, yet still continue working on it are the ones who we should fear the most.

They are the ones who have been pushed into the abyss of no morals and caring not about the consequences of their acts but just the fat paycheck they will get after they finish the job.

It's sickening tbh but, nowadays, as I mentioned so many times before. People will step over their morals (if they have any) to do whatever they need to for the money. It's a messed up world we live in.

Exposing such acts and waking people up to the facts, is the best thing we can do now. When a good amount of people know about it we can then rebell against the system and bring it down. It's our only chance.

Karma is bitch and I’ve travelled most part of the world and I always to kind to homeless people and always try to have conversations with them and funny thing is most of the saddest homeless people who I met are used to be in the Military..

I assume you get my point.

I truly believe Blockchain, Crypto and decentralised system like Steem and EOS will have big positive impact in our society. I’m glad to be involved full time and doing my contribution towards empowering individuals and make them upgraded human.

I agree and I do get your point but again, some of those people didn't see the bigger picture and didn't know how much harm they were doing.

I'm waiting for karma to strike the elite, the control system, the corrupt politicians and the rest who are controlling and creating wars to make money not the poor people who couldn't see what they were doing. They have been manipulated, used and disgarded when they served their time for their " country" .

I agree that blockchain technology and decentralized systems will take over. They set the right incentives and empower the people. Something those in control like governments and greedy corporations would never want to happen. But it was supposed to be like that in the first place. We were just manipulated into thinking that our activities are worth nothing. While in fact, they are worth a lot.

Power back to the people! That's what I like to see and that's the reason I got here. Also the reason I believe this place will go really far in the future. It just must. The incentives are so good that it can't fail. People just need time to realize and come here to reap the benefits of the actions they do elsewhere for free.

You are doing a great thing for the Steem blockchain and for the individuals you are supporting. You are amongst the 0.0001% of people who are like that here. While most of the people with fat wallets here are straight up abusing the reward pool, you are doing the exact opposite. Empowering worthy individuals and projects to push this blockchain further.

You, and others with the same attitude will towards their SP are going topush this place very far. Keep spreading the love!

Sorry for the long comment, I hope It's not too long. I was on musing a minute ago so I'm in a mood for long replies, lol.

Thank You for this excellent post
(but, it is consequences instead of consiquences x)..)


It doesn't matter, i or e, what does matter is the information, the facts about what is happening in the world, this precedent, near future scapegoat for the implementation of the same control system every'freakin'where, definitely not a good upcoming for us all, and I'm all for peace, love, compassion, but!!

I do agree with You @runicar, it's time to chop chop..

But let us do it while smiling and not allow anger to take control, if we maintain ourselves calm, aware, present and in the truth side, don't ask me how, but things work way better..

Again, Thank You for this great post, continue the awesome work You do, wish You all the best,

In Lak'ech Ala K'in

Thanks for pointing that out! I always mess up that one and just can't make myself remember how its spelled out, lol.

I'm on the same page with you on this but sadly, I think there will be no peace in our battle against the control system. They will outright slaughter us to push their will. But we will do everything we can to push against it. Starting from this post and from talking about the issues with one another.

We must inform each other about such things and react accordingly. The only thing I fear is that we don't have enough time to react until the system is in place everywhere.

Glad you found my artile interesting and that we agree on so many points. That's important. We need to unite to succeed. But they try to separate us on so many levels (race, religion, politics,etc),just so that we can't be united against them. Better keep us fighting against each other than to focus on the main issue, is the tactic they have been using for the past couple of centuries. Divide and conquer. It pisses me off, how people are so foolish to fall for the same old bs, while not seeing the big picture.

I'm glad you see it though. We need more people to understand the issues that really matter in order to achieve something.

first of all thanks for this super Post🖒

I hope that the youth in China will soon rebel against this total control of the government.

Maybe even super inventions like steemit😉 will help.


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I went to China a year ago and really noticed a change since the last time I had been there a year before. There seemed to be much more cameras and my fingerprints were scanned upon entry into the country.

The locals seem to be very used to the surveillance, every bus, ferry or train ride requires a scan of the national id card and a photo is taken when you scan the card.

I like to think governments would have a tougher time implementing it in the west but as you say, I'm sure they can bring the herd around within 20 years or so using all the manipulative tricks they have at their disposal.

Where is this world going ? Do you know what can population do if everybody was happy with that what he/she has and don’t want more and more? I know that money are deciding but hey you are not looking at others what’s a success when you hurt somebody ? Einstein once said ,,Mankind is most intelligent creature but we invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever construct a mousetrap.” Why we just don’t start supporting each other and helping each other but instead of that we are going to extinct the human population. Good to know.

Yes this AI big brother has arrived. One reason why the Chinese have not reacted or fought back is possibly because they have been stamped down for decades already, since Chaiman Mao Zedong. There is a Chinese saying something along the lines of - the nail that stands out gets hammered down. So they will rather comply. Also the Chinese, from what I can understand, are a people who actually historically prefer to be submissive to a strong dictatorial emperor type leadership. They are not like us westerners who fight for freedom, individuality and independence.

If the NWO were to attempt the social credit score in my country or any other western nation, the people would probably just ignore it or subvert it or hack it. In South Africa they installed a camera system on the national highway in order to act as a toll system where everyone had to now pay for the use of the highway. You were billed according to how often the camera saw you driving on it. But the masses of Africans just ignored it and didn't bother to pay, and even had protest marches. There is a huge culture of protest, strike, shut downs, etc in this country, despite the fairly heavy policing of such public events. So it will take a while before it can ever take root here, if ever. Our constitution is very progressive and liberal since the removal of the old Apartheid era, so people here can't be suppressed much. Their human rights are enshrined in the Constitution. Of course, if we have to become a debt slave to China as one of the Brics nations, then our government will probably buckle. They did already by denying the Dalai Lama entry a few years ago, just to keep China happy. That didn't impact the people directly though, whereas a big brother social credit system certainly will.

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