必胜客要开始无人电车外卖披萨了!? Pizza Hut is going to use driverless car to deliver PIZZA!?

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

今天来说一说必胜客,大家应该都不陌生,靠各种猎奇口味的披萨意面,招揽了一大批忠实的观众。从装修,代言人,到菜单上的取名,都是走高大上的路线啊!然而来了美国一看,咦,必胜客的店怎么那么小,里面算上做披萨的怎么才两个人,服务员呢,咦,必胜客怎么跟肯德基共用一个店面,菜单上怎么选择那么少?后来才知道,必胜客就是一家普通的不能再普通的披萨店,和肯德基,taco bell同属于百胜集团。 可能是因为美国的披萨店满地开花的原因,必胜客的生意并没有那么兴隆。但是,这仍然不妨碍必胜客是世界上最大的披萨连锁啊,所以,有资格有本钱开始搞表演啊!这不,必胜客最近联合丰田搞了条大新闻,最早在2020年,将要开始启动无人驾驶的外卖送披萨小车车!这意味着以后门铃响了,开门一看,只有披萨,再也看不到外卖小哥啦!必胜客的官方twitter一发布这个消息,就有吃瓜群众坐不住了:这样一来,众多的外卖小哥岂不是要失业了!?根据官方回复,会安排这些外卖小哥去从事别的服务行业。也是很官方了,心里想说的明明就是科技取代人类是大势所趋啊。





Today I really want to talk about the Pizza Hut! I believe that almost everyone is familiar with this brand. It is well known for all kinds of pizza that come with different and wield flavors, which is actually attractive to many consumers in China. From restaurant decoration to the names on the menu, they are all telling that Pizza Hut is a fancy place! However, a couple of years ago, when I first landed on the US, I surprising found that Pizza Hut is such a tiny store, even share with KFC or Taco Bell, with so few choices on the menu. I was a little bit shocked! Then I realized that Pizza Hut is just a normal place to eat just pizza, maybe some chicken wings, and like KFC and Taco Bell, they are all subsidiaries of Yum! Nonetheless, Pizza Hut is still the largest pizza chain in the world. So there is no doubt that it has enough money and quality to make some great new moves! Recently, Pizza Hut and Toyota are announcing that driverless cars are about to be used for deliver pizza by at least 2020! What does this even mean!? It means by then, when you open your door, there is no pizza guy out side but just the pizza you ordered! Is that amazing? For sure, after Pizza Hut's official twitter blasted out this message, some readers are questioning that many people are gonna lose their jobs. According to Pizza Hut, they intended to relocated those pizza guys to some other servers positions. But what comes to my mind is that those guys are going to be replaced by the new cool technology.

Let's take a look at the concept vehicle, isn't that so cute!!!???

Actually, this concept vehicle is a part of Toyota's e-Palette project. It is said that apart from Pizza Hut, many other companies have ordered those vehicles, from hospital to public transportation. Based on the amazing hardware that Toyota has already have, supported by data center and blockchain data, there is no surprise to me that even Toyota came out with Transformers! Toyota mentioned that those driverless vehicles can change their size and even their functions. Although no one can tell the exact final look of those vehicles, they are well expected.

From personal perspective, use high technology to replace human beings is a common trend today. It is hard to tell which is weigh more, pros or cons, though, the pace of development should not be stopped. So every individual, each one of us, should always keep up, work hard, in case be replaced.

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