The Ultimate Tastes in Fresh Organic Produce / 英国夏天之农场采摘篇steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

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This is the time of the year when British Summer has finally arrived! And though it's proved to be somewhat of a mixed bag, we've enjoyed some truly glorious days.

As is fast becoming a family tradition, last weekend we took a trip down to the farm and picked our very own fruit and vegetables. A productive and enjoyable activity given the right weather conditions, that we simply never want to miss out on. Living in the big city, I really love returning back into the inviting arms of a beautiful natural surrounding as well as scooping up all those delicious, ripe fruits!

If you have been following my blog, you may recall me writing a similar post round about the same time last year. In fact, it was one of a handful of articles I began posting near to my starting out on Steemit last July. How time flies, lol.

Garsons Farm has turned into our annual and familiar "stomping ground" which we now visit every year. It is located in the peaceful town of Esher, Surrey and is a 40-minute drive from where I live. The area spans over 100 acres of crops, exclusively for "pick-your-own" harvesting from the months of May through to October. Though a specially selected choice of over 40 crops and flowers can only be picked throughout the summer months.

Hence, this destination has become a firm favourite for many families and friends alike to spend a relaxing and rewarding weekend together. Especially for those living in or near the London region.

I also had the pleasure of taking both my parents along this year too. For them to enjoy and experience what a proper British farm can be like.

At the main entrance, there is the delightful Garsons Farm Shop offering a sizeable range of mouth-watering fruits and vegetables as well as a fresh meat counter. For people who are searching for the absolute best in organic products, this here provides the perfect solution.

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Right next to it, there is a big, open plan garden centre and cafeteria.

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After a short stop off at the farm shop, we drove inside the P.Y.O. (Pick You Own) field. For someone who has never been there before, the first thing that hits you is the impressive magnitude of the earthen fields. The entire area encompasses an almost circular two-mile stretch and provides ample car parking next to each section for you and the family to gather your crops.

First stop for us was the vegetable section. A signboard at the entrance to each field lists which crops are available for the day. They include rows of: Broccoli, Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Garden Peas and Sugar Snaps.

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The cauliflowers looked amazing! I made my way over to the large patch and picked the biggest ones I could find. I have to admit that it was actually quite hard to pull it out from the root so I had some assistance from my dad, haha.

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This is how the "purchasing" part works. There are two sets of small and large cardboard boxes placed near these compact green stalls at the entrance to each field. They serve as convenient little payment centres where you can weigh and buy what you have picked with the aid of an on-site assistant.

Prices are similar to what you'd expect considering there is no entrance fee and it's all fresh and organic produces are much higher quality than what is offered in the local supermarket. But you get a great day out too so I feel it's like killing two birds with one stone.

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Slightly further down the road, our next stop was at the "carrots", one of my favourite vegetables. There's something really satisfying in digging them up from out of the ground and loading the contents into your basket. I didn't know simple vegetables could be so much fun, I hope you'd would agree, lol.

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It is also worth noting that their selection of more traditional types like courgettes and potatoes, are equally of the same high standard. They are nicely spread around you can take your time, relax and leisurely pick which ones you want.

One good thing is there were less people than in the fruit sections. Chicken, courgette and mushroom stir fry is one of my favourite dinner recipes. With that in mind for tonight's main, I went on ahead and picked two fresh courgettes. They are massive, aren’t they?

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A standout feature here has got to be the lush Strawberry fields which apparently produce around 50 tons each year. Their peak period being between July and August. The strong sweet taste and juiciness have to be tried to be believed.

Check the photo below to see a couple of extremely "happy" parents, lol.

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Directly next to the strawberries were numerous rows of raspberry vines. Bursting with goodness and flavour, these little treats are chock full of vitamin C and K, as well containing potassium, magnesium and essential omega-3 fatty acids, to name but a few.

There were literally rows upon rows stretching as far as the eye could see. I found it astounding how they managed to care and nurture such a vast area housing so many various crops. I couldn't resist and must have filled at least one small basketful of those ripe little tasties.

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Nearing the end of our trail, the grand prize awaits. They definitely saved the best till last – the incredible Cherries. By far most popular of all the different produce on offer, the cherry fields always run out within two weeks’ time after being opened to the public. Being enclosed within several large cylindrical greenhouses, the fruit yield is almost to perfection. Dark red, juicy and considerably larger than your average sized cherries on display in the supermarket.

They are simply out-of-this-world and many groups of people travel up here just for these fine crops alone.

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We all enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at Garsons Farm. Picking out and learning about the fruits and vegetables added an extra element of education and fun to an otherwise ordinary topic. I can vouch that the produce we took home with us tasted fantastic and provided for the perfect ingredients for some great home-cooked recipes.

What a unique experience and perfect way to spend a beautiful summers weekend!

Just make sure you check out the website when you can. For further information about the delicious fruits and vegetables available for picking (as well as the optimal seasonal times to pay a visit there).

Have fun!

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每年草莓等大多数水果成熟的季节都在7月前后,去超市买太没诚意啦,我通常都会去农场自己摘。近年来,这已成为我们家的一大传统。今年也不例外,上周末我带着父母一起去采摘自己喜欢的新鲜水果和蔬菜, 享受田园乐趣。生活在大都市里,偶尔回归大自然也是很不错的选择。

如果你有一直留意我的博客,可能会记得去年我也写过一篇下农场的文章。事实上,那是我在去年七月刚加入 Steemit平台没多久写 的。转眼间,整整一年过去了,时光飞逝啊!

Garsons 农场位于安静的Esher镇,距离我住的地方大概40分钟的车程。农场专门开辟了超过100英亩的种植地作为“Pick Your Own”,非常大,每年五月到十月是最好的采摘季节。在夏季,这里有40多种农产品和鲜花可供选择,除了草莓,樱桃,红莓,黑莓等水果,还有种类繁多的蔬菜可以采摘。










农场的一大亮点要数这里郁郁葱葱的大片草莓种植地,它每年的产量约为50吨,高峰期是7月和8月。地里个个草莓都鲜亮艳丽。 摘一个最大的送进嘴里,那清香与醉人的甜,好幸福哦!


草莓旁边是红莓树。这些小小的果子口味酸甜,而且含有丰富的维他命C和K,以及钾和镁等,对皮肤和身体健康都是棒棒哒。红莓树一棵紧挨着一棵,伸延了好长好长的一段,很难想象农场是如何管理这么多的农作物!无力抗拒美味鲜果的诱惑,我摘了差不多满满 的一小篮子红莓。

俗话说,好戏在后头。农场把最好的留在了最后, 那就是樱桃!这是农场夏天最受欢迎的水果,每年开放时间不超过两周就全部被摘完。樱桃种植在温室里,矮矮的树干浓密的叶子。树上的樱桃一个个胀鼓鼓,圆溜溜的,鲜红可口。咬下一口,一股香甜的汁水沁入我的咽喉,带着清香的味道,真甜呀!不用说你也能猜到,我们又摘了一大篮子樱桃,呵呵。

我们在 Garsons 农场度过了非常开心美好的一天,不但享受田园风光和品尝美味水果,也对蔬菜水果长了不少见识。在这么一个完美的夏日周末,我们带着泥土的芳香以及满满的“收获”,心满意足地踏上了归途!

(温馨小提示,可以提前在网上查看“Pick Your Own ”可收获蔬菜水果列表,以确定去农场的最佳时间。)


Healthy and delicious fruits - let's eat! ;-)

Let's! :)

Most fruits are usually sold with pesticides.
Organic fruits are nutritious and healthy.

Wow looks like they have a really wide variety of produce

Love the wooden elephant :)

Lol, it is unique! :)

This all looks like amazing organic produce! I've been meaning to go organic strawberry picking for a while now, as it's finally the season in Canada :)

Like your post. thanks for sharing.

让我想起去年刚来时,你的一篇采摘文章 :)


They look so fresh!

Wow. love the pics and colors <3

@rea Beautiful post by a beautiful person! Thank you for spreading awareness to raw fruits and farmers markets. I envision a world where we grow our own produce everywhere and it's free for the public. It's a possible vision, but requires an upswing in awareness, conscious choices, and loving kindness. SO much electricity and love in this post! Namaste :)

Thank you, @captainpearson! I totally agree. If we could all live on this level of quality of food everyday, the health benefits would be tremendous. :)

@rea We can do it. Day by day, let's reconnect with the divine. In my opinion, raw fruits, berries, melons, vegetables, and meditation is a great place to start. I'm thankful to be on the journey with you :)

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