The Charming Covent Garden / 迷人的考文特花园
Covent Garden is one of my favourite places in London.
Located within the busy streets of the West End, Covent Garden is London’s main venue for some of the world's best theatre and entertainment. Apart from the multitudes of shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants scattered around, the street entertainers there are also a welcome addition too! Every time I pass through this picturesque part of town, I just love soaking up the colourful and historic atmosphere in and around the famous Covent Garden.

So today, I would like to take my Steemian friends to visit this beautiful place with me! Upon arrival to Covent Garden tube station, you will come out directly onto James Street. Not even one minutes walk heading down the sloping street, you should reach the well-known Covent Garden's The Piazza.
The various markets situated within Covent Garden are very popular hot spots. The most famous one is Apple Market which opens seven days a week, filled with unique stalls selling handmade goods such as jewelry, prints, antiques and beautiful crafted cards.
Over on the south side of The Piazza, there is Jubilee Market. This is literally a "gem" of a place. Mondays caters for antiques lovers whereas Tuesday to Friday is more of a general market with household goods. Saturday and Sunday are reserved for custom-made crafted gifts, mainly for curious tourists looking for some distinctive, unique accessories.
As you must have gathered by now, Covent Garden is a great shopping venue, packed with a variety of shops and boutiques. From fashionable clothes retailers to make-up and traditional book shops. Everything you can think of, Covent Garden will probably be good for! Or for a more relaxing evening or afternoon, you can just explore all that historic beauty this cool place has to offer and also check out some street performances at the same time. Many of them are really very talented, I must say!
While you are here in Covent Garden, you must try Ben’s Cookies. They are the best! To be honest, I am not a "that" big fan of cookies but this cookie store made me change my mind real fast. The smell of the freshly baked cookies will automatically draw you near to the store.
The cookies themselves are quite big in size. I also love the fact that they are not perfectly round or even, each one being a slightly different shape as they have that "homemade" feel. The taste is simply out of this world! Soft and warm, just melting in your mouth!
The shop serves a great variety of cookies here, including the classic white, milk and dark chocolate chunk, ginger, Raisin, peanut butter and more besides. My favourite though has to be the coconut cookie and Triple Chocolate Chunk. The chocolate chunk even has dabs of soft melted chocolate concentrated in the middle! Just so exceedingly rich and scrumptious!
The cookies are sold by weight but they so provide gift box options as well. You can get a box of 5 with 2 extra ones for £8.95. Not cheap but totally worth it after your first bite. The perfect snack as you wander the rest of the markets!
There is a large area in the middle of The Piazza between the shops, where people can take a rest and eat yet more great selections of food. It is also the ideal spot for street artists to come and perform in front of the relaxed crowed. You'll find many of the "best" ones located there.
Covent Garden is one of the most popular tourist places in the whole of London. And it's easy to see why given the range of things to do and stuff to see. What I love most about it is the nice mix of street artists, market stalls, cafes and shops. Always busy and bustling with activity, this is one landmark in the heart of London you won't want to miss.
所以今天,我要带大家来看看这个非常有特色的地方!从考文特花园地铁站出来以后,就是 James街。往下坡路步行不到一分钟,我们就来到了著名的考文特花园广场。
而在集市大楼的南边,还有一个露天的禧年市场。这里售卖的货物每天都有所不同,星期一是迎合古董爱好者; 而星期二至星期五则是普通的家庭用品市场;星期六与星期天以手工艺品为主,以迎合众多游客的需求。
如果你在考文特花园,一定要尝尝这里的Ben’s Cookie,他们家的曲奇饼是最棒的!以前,其实我并不是太爱吃曲奇饼。不过这家饼干店让我改变了想法。新鲜出炉的饼干,热烘烘的味道,相信没有多少人能抵挡得这种诱惑,呵呵!
Ben’s Cookie 是按重量来出售饼干,也有提供数款盒装优惠,比如说买一盒五块曲奇饼另送两块,也就是多买多便宜!吃着美食,继续逛市场,太幸福了!

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really nice place :D
대단히 감사합니다
It's charming place. Thanks for nice posting :) I upvoted and follow you
Ah yes covent gardens when I come out of the station I have a few times seen a guy drawing on the floor with chalk sometimes he writes. good info @rea theres a few things here I didn't know about and might check them out next time I am down there.
Thanks @simonjay. I really love the street artists there :)
Such a cool place - it is VERY similar to Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall in Boston, MA.
If you ever get to Boston check out Quincy! :D
Hey @getonthetrain, I would love to visit Quincy one day!
Wow! This is awesome. I wish i could travel the same place. You did great on your travel and you have a photography talent. Stay awesome @rea. :)
Thank you @chingpherd!
You took all of these pictures by urself? If so congratulations!
I will go there some day and check London out how many days/weeks would you recommend me staying in the capital to get the most out of it?
And holy shit these cookies, even though they do not really look THAT good but my mouth already waters when I read you description haha :D
Lastly the funny thing is that I'm reading a book called "Bob der Streuner" (English: "A street cat named Bob") which is about an ex drug addict who found his new hope with his new cat which is constantly sitting on his shoulder attracting tourists to give them some money for playing an instrument e.g.. You're from London, so have you ever seen him ? It all takes place in London and mostly in Convent Garden.
Have a great day :)

so beautiful!
Thank you @lingfei. :)
I have to go there :)