An Awesome Birthday Celebration with @allasyummyfood / 参加美女厨师@allasyummyfood 的生日派对

in #cn7 years ago


Last Saturday, I was invited to the phenomenal @allasyummyfood’s 30th Birthday party. I also had the pleasure of being reunited with a few Steemian pals from previous meetups. It was so great to catch up with everyone and turned out to be an fantastic evening all round!

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The venue was the awesome Jewel bar, located in the heart of London’s West End and overlooking the iconic Piccadilly Circus! Luckily, it was right by the tube station so, in addition, very easy to get to and travel home afterwards.

The bar itself was huge and housed several levels, consisting of six uniquely themed private rooms. The main bar (on the ground floor) had a great social atmosphere and lively vibe. I made my way straight upstairs to the Parlour room where Alla’s Birthday party was.

I got there quite early on as only Alla’s boyfriend @ivargereiko and sister @ingaaa were there, together with other family members. So I used this as an opportunity to check the place out further first-hand, lol.

The room is set in a vintage theme, featuring warm shades of dark burgundy splayed across the interior walls, replete with retro-inspired decorations. The "mix and match" coloured leather sofa and armchair totally looked the part. I found the armchair stunning to look at, with it's elegant brass studded details and designer "piping" around the hardwood frame.

Almost the whole room filled with balloons, roses and home-made goodie bags for everyone. There was also a gigantic birthday card for Alla displayed next to the side table for all of us to sign. How sweet and thoughtful of them to organise such a great little bash!








There were large windows overlooking almost the whole of Piccadilly Circus. What an incredible view!!



Our room had it's own bar and the drinks served up were just amazing! I really loved the Lady Madonna, which is a luscious cocktail that features the sweet, exotic lychee fruit. The music was good and those canapes were oh-so-delicious!





Not long after, the guests started to arrive. There were quite a number of Alla’s friends and family, as well as some familiar faces from Steemit as I mentioned earlier. They include: @demotruk, @starkerz, @nanzo-scoop, @redrica, and @soul1. So genuinely happy to see them all after the Steemfest 2 and was lovely catching up again! Already looking forward to the next meetup, lol.


Our Birthday girl Alla was looking spectacular in a bright red dress. Wowing our group, you go-girl! Surrounded by friends and family alike, she lit the birthday cake's sparkling candles, in effect brightening up the whole atmosphere even further and pushing the party to a delightful climax!


(The Stunning @allasyummyfood)


(Alla and her sister @ingaa)


(Alla and me)




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Unfortunately, I had to leave a little early so didn’t get to stay until the "cake cutting" part but it was a lovely birthday party and all thanks to the lovely Alla! What better way to start off a brand new decade of life than a special occasion as this was!

A very happy birthday to you, Alla and thanks again for everything!

上周六,我受邀请参加了美女厨师 @allasyummyfood 30 岁的生日派对,还趁此机会与几位Steemit上的朋友相聚聊天,度过了一个非常愉快的夜晚!

派对地点就在伦敦中心的Jewel bar,在楼上可以俯视著名的皮卡迪利广场,风景不错。从“Piccadilly Circus”地铁站走过来不用2分钟的路程,十分方便。

酒吧挺大的,分好几个楼层,还包括了6个独特风格的主题包房。底层是主要的酒吧区,很热闹活泼的氛围。我直接就上了三楼 Alla 生日派对的“Parlour”房间。

由于来得早,当时就只有Alla的男友 @iargereiko,妹妹 @ingaaa 与其他家庭成员在那里。我就借此机会拍了几张派对房间的照片,呵呵。




派对房里还有独立的酒吧,提供一系列的饮品!我觉得他们的鸡尾酒不错,尤其是名为“Lady Madonna“ 的那款,甜美清新,略带荔枝独特的风味,让人欲罢不能,呵呵。一盘盘的小吃不但精致也很美味,不愧是美女厨师的生日会哦!

没多久,客人都陆续到齐。有不少Alla的朋友和家人,还有Steemit的一些熟悉的面孔: 。没想到Steemfest2 之后这么快又见面了,真是意外惊喜啊!

我们的寿星女Alla 当晚穿着一条鲜艳的红色裙子,非常耀眼也显得很有气质!在亲人朋友的陪伴之下,她开了香槟酒,燃烧的冷焰火照亮了整个房间,也把生日晚会的气氛推向了高潮!




aww wow you took some incredible pictures!!!!! before everyone got there!! i am planning to do my post soon! hahah :D maybe tomorrow!!! :) Your description is amazing ! shame you missed a cake :) xxxx

happy birthday :) great celebration. the food looks delicious. i love it.

Happy birthday to you beautiful @allasyummyfood. You look absolutely stunning, delightful and amazing. That outfit was tailor made for you. See your dashing smile. Adorably cute. Wow.

hahaha... She did first! Hahaha... Both of you are a really beautiful lady! (^_^) I am happy to see your smile! It makes you both more beautiful that evening...

  • Clear image
  • Nice view
  • Beautiful ladies

What else?! Nothing more! Nothing less! Complete! (^_^)

Thanks Alla... I was dreaming of the cake that night, lol!

Great moments that you managed to capture. Lovely post!

The cake looks really great and Beautiful...... amazing pictures thanks for sharing with us

@rea Amazing Pictures :) ! i Hope That I was There .. @allasyummyfood A wish for you on your birthday whatever you ask may you receive whatever you seek , may you find whatever you wish , may it be fulfilled on you birthday & always

Happy Birthday @allasyummyfood. Long Life in good health, many happy returns of the day.

Nice photography. Both of you are so nice.

excellent post dear friend @rea, congratulations to @allasyummyfood for his birthday.
when judging by the images it was a beautiful celebration, the dishes look very delicious, the place very cozy, the view from the incredible sales.
Thank you very much, dear friend, for sharing this beautiful evening

Thank you @jlufer for your nice comment. :)

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