Volunteer teaching trip to China!!! – Zengcheng Day2 在中國增城義教的時光 (新人請大家多多指教)

in #cn7 years ago

After a good sleep, we continue to teach the class. The students seem to be much more active and participative than yesterday. I guess they begin to accept us to be the teachers. That is a good sign because it means we might be doing it in a right way.
睡個好覺,就繼續回校教書,與昨天不同的是,學生明顯更活躍和更主動,我猜他們開始接受我們這班來歷不明的人當老師吧,哈哈. 無論如何,這應該不是壞事。



They continue to discuss the ideas about the drama we told them to do yesterday. Unlike yesterday, they are now very concentrated and proactive. Kids sometimes accept new things faster than adults, this is true. 他們繼續熱烈討論如何把短劇演好, 專注得好像變了另一個人, 有時候,是不是小孩比成人更加能接受新事物新挑戰, (不要錯過向小孩學習的機會)。

I was told to keep my face small in the photo. This is the tactics. Though it might not be what I expected. 他們要我這樣拍照,因為看起來臉變小, 雖然臉變小, 但好像也醜了不少.

After their presentation, this 2-day volunteering trip has come to an end. I am very fortunate to meet these foreigners in this trip. If we didn’t join the trip, we would never meet for the whole life. The friendship is precious so we still keep contact after they go back to their countries. 看完他們精彩的表演後,兩天的義教終於完結了, 我十分幸運能夠認識一群五湖四海的朋友,回想一下,如果不是大家都參加了這次義教,可能一世都不會再有機會認識對方(,緣份就是這個意思, 有時候錯過了就沒有),現在我們亦閒時在網上聊聊近況,大家都珍惜這段保貴的友誼。

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