Follow me to Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve, Victoria 維省塔山生態保護區野生攝影記事薄

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


We started our trip at the crack of dawn. There's the serenity found in the early morning, the crisp feeling keeps​ you awake. Neither of us is a morning person, but getting up early for a road trip makes the journey feel more special because of the extra effort. As a wildlife photographer, Leigh warned me that it is always good to get up early when the animals tend to be most active. 趕在晨光第一線來臨之前,我們已匆匆上路。我們都不習慣起早摸黑,但為了旅程早點起床,感覺會更加特別。@myday 告訴我看野生動物一定是起早的鳥兒有蟲吃, 因為野生動物在早晨是最活躍的。


We were driving right through the fogs, the cold morning right past the country town. 我們穿梭在雲霧中,來到了清晨。。終於可以說聲:“ 維省,你好,早安!”

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We've stopped over for the leg stretch, @myday was like: "I've heard there's a very cool river here?" (ironically @myday 's name is Leigh) "聽說這裡有條很牛逼的河叫甚麼來著?“ (其實 @myday 的名字就叫Leigh)


Oh there it is haha! 來,在這呢!


If each one of us has a mission to find our path through the river of life, and that @myday has already found his calling, I don't think I'm that far from starting my own project. 如果每一個人在這個世界上都有使命去找自己的路,而@myday 也找到了自己的方向,那麼我也要開始施工了。。。

As soon we have arrived at the Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve, we've encountered the century of the heap - a scary wild emu, approached us to pry, watching us with his red beady eyes - It's one step from breaking into the car and take us outside.
一來到塔山野生動物保護區(Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve )就來了個攔路的鴕鳥,眼神殺氣衝衝,恨不得衝進車來特別嚇人。大概是因為野生動物的關係,


We waited for an entire day observing the behaviors of the emu so we can learn about their natural instinct. This is the best way to take good photos of wild animals. 一等就是一整天,慢慢觀察學習野鴕鳥的習性是拍野生動物照的關鍵之一。


I thought it was cute to capture a shot of the wild emu in the middle of its meal. 我在野鴕鳥進餐時偷拍了一張。滿嘴綠草的它非常可愛。也許這就是所謂的菜鳥。哈哈。

Here's my masterfully approach​ to be a professional photographer. Totally looking the part! 好吧,來讓我裝模作樣最一個好攝影學徒。


Waiting for the precise moment is something that​ a wildlife photographer​ strives​ for. Catching the highlight in the eye is one of these moments to master. 野生攝影師總是等待最好的時刻,捕捉動物視覺裡的銳氣和光芒。


The languishing log lay motionless as it succumbed​ to its earthly surrounding. The laden moss created intricate​ detail reflecting natures beauty. 塔山生態保護區走走發現了河畔,隱藏了不少珍奇異獸, 奇花異草。

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The abstract of reflection in the water always fascinates me - this one stands because of ​it kind of look like an​ oil painting with a lonely ugly ducking that is waiting for its own transformation. 我很喜歡水中的倒影,抽象樸素迷離。這一幕更像一幅油畫。那孤寂的醜小鴨正等待着變身。


Thanks for reading 謝謝閱讀


而我們正在 .... 等待着那孤寂的醜小鴨變身。Great photos!!

萬分感謝@deanliu 鼎立支持!果然是高人,一下就看穿文章主題,傳神吧?:D - Hope you have a nice day :)

駝鳥眼睛好有神。喜歡牠的正面那一張。 :)

@ygern 謝謝你的支持! 那一張很有氣場!它給我那眼神,我嚇得手都抖了,幸虧最後還是對焦了。 Hope you have a nice day. :)

You've got some beautiful photos :)! The wild emu is so cute too!!! This place looks so tranquil and peaceful! x

Excellent shots!


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