How time running so fast. it is the end the january, i will go back to China within one week. I will write something about the past one year.
First Impression
In 8th Feb 2017, after we transfer from South Africa, we arrived in Angola.
After the plane landed, the first impression of this place was, good atmosphere, blue sky and nice cloudy.
出关-Exit In customs
After we got off of the plane, we start to exit. Like all the other guys, i take my passport and Immigration health certificate and vaccine certificate. Unluckily i was detained by the policeman. And several minutes later, we are brought to a house and asked for 300RMB without any excuse. After we gave them the money, i just went out the house and keep the procedure to exit. The impression of policeman, it seems like a robber.
未完待续。。。下一章 《中国印象》
To be continue 。。。 The Next Chapter 《The impression of Chinese From Angolans》
有些惶恐 更多的无奈和不解