My favorite British and American sitcom 我最爱的5部英美情景喜剧

in #cn7 years ago

No.1 Friends/老友记 

         This was my first sitcom, at that time my friend kept watching this show in order to pass CET-4(Chinese version English proficiency test). I watched with her together for a few episodes and found it very interesting, so as soon as I returned home I started watching from Episode 1 of Season 1 and I finished all 10 seasons in a row. All six characters have their own unique characteristics, Rachel is super-sweet, Joey is dumb and cute, the friendship between the six of them makes me envy. Lovers are around them and friends are just across the hall. The relationship between Rachel and Ross is a major part of the drama, whereas they are finally together in the last episode of the last season. (Fans like me are so excited to see that) It is a drama worth watching again after years, or it can be a good practice when your English gets worse.   


No.2 How I met your mother/老爸老妈浪漫史 

          When I first saw the name of this show, I refused to watch it. But I was attracted by its story immediately as soon as I started watching it. The jokes in the drama are mostly concentrated on Barney. His <The play book> is funny, as well as the setting that he may be hit by Marshall at any time. He chased thousands of girls but only love Robin. He has an amazing luxury and modern home, I really want that super big TV in his house. It is a shame to see that Barney can’t be with Robin together at the end.   

           当时看到这个剧名内心是拒绝的,谁知一打开就被剧情吸引了。这部剧很多笑点都集中在Barney身上,<The play book>以及随时随地可能被Marshall打的设定,追女无数却对Robin情有独钟,家中豪华现代化到惊人,我真想要一台他剧中的超大电视机。看到最后非常惋惜Barney不能跟Robin走到最后。 

No.3 The Big Bang Theory/生活大爆炸 

          I have heard of this show for a long time, but I didn’t start watching it until my boyfriend recommended it back on August. My favorite character is Sheldon, this “high IQ robot” is sometimes annoying, but he is like a child and you just can’t leave him alone. It is particularly cute every time when I see Penny singing “Soft Kitty” to Sheldon.  

         早就听说过这部片,可是到今年8月才被男友推荐。我最爱的角色是Sheldon,这个高智商的机器人虽然有时很烦人,但有时又像小孩一样让人不忍心丢下,每次看到Penny对着他唱soft kitty,我都觉得场面非常有爱。 


No.4 Mom/老妈 

         This show is not too popular in China, but I started watching it from the first season. Every episode is very positive, the main characters are becoming more and more mature. I like the super cool grandma Bonnie and the single mother Christy, most of the humors in the drama are focused on them making fun of each other.  

         这部剧在中国不太火,但是我从第一季就开始追到现在的第三季了,每集都很正面很积极,主角们也在不断成长。超喜欢酷酷的grandma Bonnie和单身母亲Christy,剧中大多笑点集中在她们两母女的互损上。 

No.5 The IT Crowd/IT狂人 

         The story talks about a woman who doesn’t understand computers at all and she was sent to work with two funny geeks. This drama let me realized how English jokes can be so humorous. Unlike geeks in the big bang theory, the two guys are not as smart, but they often do some dumb things which let you laugh your ass off.   

        这是一个完全不懂电脑的女主却被派遣到IT部与两个宅男二货的一起工作的故事,这部戏让我知道英式幽默原来如此搞笑。不同于big bang的宅男,两男主智商并不是很高,而且他们经常会做出一些很蠢的事情,让你捧腹大笑甚至跌破眼镜。   

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