Wat Si Chum, Sukhothai, Thailand (一) 泰國素可泰的席中寺 (一)

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

I visited Sukhothai on Feb. 3 of 2015, that was a full moon day.

There are many temples with the different style of architectures clustered together as a big compound, easy to stroll around. I have visited many religious ruins, but Sukhothai was one of the favorites. The energy around was very pure and clean.

When I walked to Wat Si Chum, I was amazed by its unique structure with a huge Budda Phra Achana sitting fearlessly in the middle, his eyes were looking after every living being. This area was full of calmness and silence chanting...

我在2015年的2月3日那天來到我一直念念不忘的素可泰, 多年前 我已去過北部的清萊與清邁, 感覺與泰國有相當深的緣份, 非常的親密. 也幾次去了曼谷都因為時間或交通不允許而無法拉到素可泰. 素可泰因為地理位置沒有機場, 或要由清邁往南而行, 或由曼谷北上, 少不了要坐巴士或開車什麼的. 這次我又重遊清邁, 並特意包了一部車來到素可泰一償夙願.

一踏下車我便被這股清幽所深深吸引, 整個素可泰完全不像在泰國, 完全是一朵蘭花開在深山, 自悠悠. 這塊地雖然是許多寺廟的遺蹟, 但是卻別於一些古蹟的異味及染雜, 此地氣場很有靈性與清淨感.

我來到席中寺, 被它特殊的佛寺建築所震憾! 巨大的Phra Achana正坐在露天的寺裡, 連接著天與地, 強而有力的宣揚著佛的悲智圓滿及功德! 寺前有很多人在忙著佈置會場, 探問之下才知道今日恰巧是月圓, 而附近村民正在準備著席中寺12年一度的圓月慶典...

to be continued




Tag: photography ! (spelling)
See you!

nice to meet you!

Please correct the tag: it is "photography" not "phorograph"

OK! thanks!

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it is "photography" not "phorograph"

just edit it.

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