📣分享三個月里程碑🏅 + 有趣有獎遊戲🤹💰 📣Sharing my three months milestones🏅 + a fun prized contest🤹💰

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


The past week has definitely been my best week on Steemit, and I'd like to share my happiness with you.


首先,我終於在這Steemit 這圈子上過了三個月。 初開始的一個月,我還是一條小魚在這個大海裏漫無目的浮沉,幾乎想放棄。 後來我逐漸認識不同朋友,得到大神的點讚,前輩的指導,朋友的鼓勵,終於開了竅 。在這裏我不公開點名,因為怕說漏不好意思, 無論如何,我是衷心 感謝你們。謝謝!
First, last week marked my three months on Steemit. Two months ago, I was swimming aimlessly in this big ocean looking for bearings, and was about to throw in the towel. Since then, I have met so many great people who have help me find my feet. I'm not going to name names in this post as I might miss somebody out. So, guys, thanks a million from the bottom of my heart!

第二,在線上結識朋友很開心,但總不及線下聚會來得高興。 上星期我參加了台北第一次大型Steemit聚會,終於面對面認識多位朋友。如果你住的地區有辦Steemit聚會,你一定要去參加喔。
Secondly, meeting people on the internet is great, but nothing tops meeting them in person. Last week I attended the first major Taipei Steemit Meetup, here's the post if you haven't read it. If you ever get a chance to organise or attend a meetup, I highly recommend you do.

三, 有時做部落客其實是蠻孤獨的,所以能夠跟別人互動及合作可以添加一點動力。 上星期我們台北聚會的帖子是以合作方式寫,我覺得非常成功。 而今個星期我又開始協助Steemit世界地圖在 CN 區的推廣活動。 這是一個很有意思的項目,把旅遊帖子加插到地圖上與其他人分享。詳細情形可以看我這個帖子。我希望未來能夠為Steemit繼續作出一點貢獻。
Thirdly, blogging can be quite lonely sometimes, so networking and collaboration is great to get out of your shell. Last week I really enjoyed collaborating and writing our meetup post. This week I've been helping out Steemitworldmap. This is a brilliant idea where you can pin your travel posts onto the map and share it with everyone else. You can find more information here. I hope to be able contribute more on Steemit as time goes by.

四, 這個星期,我的追蹤者終於超過500位!你們超棒!
Fourth, my followers exceeded 500 a couple of days ago. GUYS, YOU ALL ROCK!!!

這些所有的里程碑對我來說都是十分重要, 所以我打算用一個小小的遊戲,跟大家一起分享我的快樂。
In order to celebrate these landmarks which are very important to me, I'm running a little contest, hopefully everyone can join in and have some fun.

上個星期,在我們的台北聚會上我看到 @sweetsssj@wilkinshui兩人正在喁喁細語。 你覺得他們在談什麼呢?
Last week during our meetup, I saw @sweetsssj and @wilkinshui quietly on one side. What do you think they're up to?


1 在以下答案部分,請寫下你覺得他們在談什麼
2 如果你可以下載照片,把答案加在照片上,然後再上載到答案部分就更加好哩!
3 答案用字不能太粗俗或不雅
4 截止日期是下星期六10月7號UTC 1700

The rules of the contest are simple:
1 Drop me your thoughts in the ANSWER section below
2 Or better still download the photo and add your answer on it, then upload your photo to the ANSWER section.
3 No rude or offensive answers
4 ‎The closing date is next Saturday 7th October 1700 UTC

有比賽也應該有獎品, 獎品如下:
頭獎 13 SBD
二獎 8 SBD
三獎 4 SBD
A contest wouldn't be a contest if there were no prizes, and the prizes are
First prize 13 SBD
Second prize 8 SBD
Third prize 4 SBD

有比賽也一定有評判, 當然然照片中兩位主角就最適合不過了。 今次我很榮幸請到 @sweetsssj@wilkinshui做評判。
And a contest wouldn't be a contest if there were no judges. Who better than the two in the photo to judge what they're up to? Yes, I'm honoured that @sweetsssj and @wilkinshui have agreed to be the guest for this contest.

So guys, get your thinking cap on and hurry up submit your answers. Have a great weekend!




Good one!

Love it! 😂😂😂

so like something wig wig would do

I can't believe he'd rather take a photo of himself and not sweet!


哈!哈!不要看少 sweet 的勢力!


Learning from the best!



ham sup lo alert!!!

He has such a reputation!

Words in heart lol

oh that's typo, I wanted to tpye handsome

How rude of him!!


聰明的 sweet!


sweet copy.jpg

有被聰明的 sweet 看穿 wigwig 的小把戲!

Wilkin saying to sweetsssj that I am very good❤️

Very wig!

嗨 , 你好 @livinguktaiwan.

@sweetsssj: 等一等...這是一隻新手機嗎?
@Wigwigwig: 對,我昨天玩投資,每秒鐘,幾百萬上下! 我賺了太多錢了。







今天晚上過了多一個里程碑,rep 見 6字頭! 😁


@wigwig needs a photo of @sweetsssj herself at that meetup as a souvenir taken by him

I wonder how many he took that day ...

three photos

When you finally meet your crush


I had to use some artistic license :-)

Ha! Ha! Great one!

I use dMania to upload this entry for test. Please check out the link.

He's really getting ahead of himself!!


我也想知道~ XD

Interesting post - thanks @livinguktaiwan .

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