Warning Post!!!! For Malaysia JB Friends!!

in #cn7 years ago

📌 警告 ! 📌

在 Johore Bahru:小心!

请注意 ,

Komtar 购物中心

并询问您是否对一些香水感兴趣 , 并给您一张纸嗅 。

请不要!这是一个新的骗局 , 纸上塗满了毒品 , 你将 会暈倒 , 所以他们可以绑架 , 抢劫或對你做更糟糕的事情 。

请转发给所有家人和朋友 。拯救生命 。

这是今天早上由一名高级警务人员提供的 。

轉發一下 , 并提醒所有想要保护的人 。

📌 WARNING ! ! !📌

In Johore Bahru: Be careful !

Please be alert if anyone stops you in the parking lot of a Mall, City Square Mall
Komtar Mall
Reef Mall
LuLu Hyper Supermarket
GIP Etc;

And ask if you're interested in some perfume and give you a paper to smell.

Please Don't!
It's a new scam, the paper is laced with drugs, you will pass out,
so they can kidnap, rob or do worse things to you.

Please forward to all your family & friends. Save a life please.

This was received from a Senior Police Officer this morning.

Take note and alert everyone that you want to protect.


Thank you for such important information the life and health of relatives in the first place @kasho

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