Python Script to Transfer SBD to Exchange 通过程序来减少到交易所转帐出错的可能

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

When transferring your SBD assets to exchange, you have to fill in the correct memo otherwise your money is likely to get lost.


A few months ago, I accidentally transfered 100 SBD to @blocktrades but luckily a few hours later I got the refund.

You don't get lucky everytime. Therefore I think it is less likely for things to go wrong if this can be done automatically via scripts.

I have written a Python script based on Steem-Python library and it works quite well for me.

from steem import Steem
from steem.account import Account
from keys import account_akey
from nodes import steem_nodes

id = 'justyy'
wif = {
  "active": account_akey[id]

steem = Steem(nodes = steem_nodes, keys = wif)  
account = Account(id, steemd_instance=steem)
balance = account.balances 
x = float(balance['total']['SBD'])
print("@" + id + " has " + str(x) + " SBD")

if x >= 40:
  y = 30
  print("transfering " + str(y) + " SBD from @" + id + " to @bittrex")
  steem.transfer("bittrex", amount = y, asset = 'SBD', memo = "The MEMO key required by your exchange", account = id)    

Let the script run once per hour via crontab. When account balance is larger than 40 SBD, automatically it transfers 30 to your exchange account.


  1. Saves your time.
  2. Can't get wrong.
  3. Makes you feel that your are actually earning something on SteemIt.

You don't need to use Python, you can also use steem-js as long as you put in the correct MEMO.

Reposted to my blog:

图片来源: 每日BING壁纸 @superbing

虽然现在在STEEMIT上转帐到交易所的时候如果没有填写 MEMO,是会提示的,但是有时候你手快,可能把你的帐号地址给复制过去然后就点发送了,这时候就悲剧了。


很久之前,我误操作100 SBD到 @blocktrades 就是把MEMO填成帐号地址了, 幸运的是通过各方途径联系了官方,几个小时内收到了退款。

但是别的交易所,如 bittrex 可能就不是这么的幸运了,转帐转错了有时候权当捐款了。


比如,我的自动转帐脚本如下 (Python)

from steem import Steem
from steem.account import Account
from keys import account_akey
from nodes import steem_nodes

id = 'justyy'
wif = {
  "active": account_akey[id]

steem = Steem(nodes = steem_nodes, keys = wif)  
account = Account(id, steemd_instance=steem)
balance = account.balances 
x = float(balance['total']['SBD'])
print("@" + id + " has " + str(x) + " SBD")

if x >= 40:
  y = 30
  print("transfering " + str(y) + " SBD from @" + id + " to @bittrex")
  steem.transfer("bittrex", amount = y, asset = 'SBD', memo = "您的交易所要求的MEMO KEY", account = id)    

把这个脚本放在 crontab 里,一小时执行一次,那么当帐号SBD大于40的时候,自动 转 30到交易所。留下10块钱是为了够银行发利息。


  1. 省了人工,每次转帐都需要人工处理的时间,时间最宝贵。
  2. 不会出错,人工转帐存在误操作,程序转帐,概率小很多。
  3. 是不是更能感觉到STEEM上发文能挣钱?SBD转到交易所是不是感觉才是挣到的?^_^

不一定要用PYTHON,也可以用 steem-js ,我相信代码都是类似的。


通过 SP 代理工具 成为 YY银行股东,好处多多。只要代理大于5 SP@justyy 即可自动成为YY股东。用同样的工具输入0取消代理退出股东。来去自由,取消代理后系统需要7天才能将您代理的SP退回到您的帐号上。友情提示,不建议把所有SP都代理给银行,因为你需要留一些能量发贴。



我上次转错了😭😭丢了9 SBD。




lol 只有大户人家才需要用程序来转钱....


@justyy, 我好欣赏你滴~~~ img



感谢你了。 我一直查找像这样的贴子。


I really like these post! I am looking for these kinds of post.

do u mind if I follow u? I want keep watching ur posts. cheers!

厉害,我现在还用不到呢。。。欢迎大伙来我的Blog Upvote。。



新年快乐!请接受cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 对你作为cn区一员的感谢。如果我打扰到你,请回复“取消”。

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