Picnic Photography using Canon 50mm F1.8 入手 加能50mm定焦镜头 F1.8

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

前两天买的 EF-S 10-22mm 是超广角镜头, 用来拍景好一些. 拍人的话得用大光圈(F数值越小 光圈越大)的镜头. 光圈大的话 背景就很容易虚化了这样就能突出主题. 网上看了些, 最后入手下面的痰宇镜头. 

 别看不到100英镑, 这镜头是穷人的不二备选. F1.8 光圈很容易就将背景虚了 焦距是 50mm 定焦 也就是没有缩放功能. 不过据说, 玩单反玩到最后就是用定焦多 因为相对来说定焦的质量(比如成像)会好一些. 定焦做工也比较成熟 而且就只做一件事 (Less is More).

AMAZON PRIME 不到24个小时就送到了. 

 相比 10-22mm 广角镜头来说, 这个很轻巧 很小 便于携带 而且只有 160g. 这个镜头就是用来拍人像会好一些. 如果靠着太近拍 就是半身照或者是大头照了. 这时候就需要摄影师前后移动找准最佳位置… 不过我比较懒 我很习惯的要求 老婆再靠远点或者再靠近点. 变焦就很容易让摄影师变懒, 但是好的摄影师需要经常移动位置才能捕捉不同作品的灵感.这个周末三天(周一是银行法定假日), 

今天就去了 huntingdon hinchingbrooke 野餐. 


 荡秋千 – 旁边就是小孩玩的地方 

 滑滑梯 – 老大说是 Big Slide 


 走累了就求妈妈抱 – 心理暗爽 

 老大在旁边推车 – 我略肿 ----  第一次在 steemit 里爆照。



 累了 坐椅子上休息 


The EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens from Canon pairs this classic lens design with enhancements to the AF system and physical design that make it both faster and smaller. Utilizing an STM stepping motor, this lens is ideal for both still and video shooting due to its speedy and smooth operation. Further benefitting video shooters, the STM motor also supports the Movie Servo AF mode on select DSLRs for precise and near-silent focusing. An updated exterior design includes a metal lens mount and a re-located focusing ring in order to accommodate the compact overall.

I'm using T5i. Would the photos be cool with the 50mm ?!

Use it in low light or for portraits, or as a general walk around lens. Excellent in low light conditions. Super fast, quiet and precise focus

Looks absolutely stunning :)
The lense looks really small but it strikes a punch when taking pictures. Ay I ask what camera are you using to take the pictures as I'm interested in buying a camera myself.
Cheers and best of wishes.

I am using Canon T3i, the basic model

Im saving money to buy a caera next month i really love taking photos of insects,flowers and dew in grass early mornings and i know the kind of lenses i need cost alot of money but i am hopeful i will raise it.

wishing you all the best!

Di akhir pekan itu asyiknya berlibur bersama kawan atau keluarga ke pantai. Bila kamu masih bingung mau berlibur kemana, coba saja datang ke Pelangi beach lhoknga. Pernah dengar Pelangi beach? Nah, pasti tidak asing di telinga kamu kan.

Pelangi Beach, akhir-akhir ini sangat populer di telinga dan di mata para kaum muda Banda Aceh. Betapa tidak, pantai yang berkonsep warna pink dan berkesan romantis ini sangat sering muncul di Instagram, Path, dan Facebook.

Pelangi Beach ini cocok bagi kamu yang sekedar ingin mengabadikan foto bersama keluarga, teman, pasangan, atau ingin mengadakan prewed dengan konsep romantis ala Pulau Dewata Bali.

Lokasi Pantai pelang Beach

Pelangi Beach ini berada di Kecamatan Lhoknga, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Di apit antara Pantai Lhoknga dan Pantai Lampuuk, atau 15 KM dari pusat Kota Banda Aceh. Selain motor, mobil kamu juga akan sampai di Pantai Pulau Kapuk ini.

Bagi kamu yang belum tau lokasi Pelangi beach ini, cukup telusuri jalan Banda Aceh-Meulaboh. Dari pusat Kota Banda Aceh kurang lebih 30 menit Anda akan melewati jembatan rangka besi pertama. Nah, di depan pos TNI tersebut, sebelum sampai.

Setelah memasuki jalan yang sedikit mulus itu sekitar 500 meter, kamu akan menjumpai papan penunjuk yang bertuliskan Pelangi beach. Nah, suasana warna pink dan romantis akan menyambut kedatangan kamu

I Used This lens . I like to buy lens of Nikon as I am nikon Lover Few days agoo I bought a Camera Nikon 5300

I would like to get suggestion from you regarding pirchasing lens . I am sharing one of my Picture to get Idea How it is looks like .I am very muxh excited to get reply from a photographer .


Waitting For Your Reply

Wow... so beautiful!

伟大的家庭照片 Great family photos

canon always rocks clearity of images is awesome

Yes. but I am thinking of changing to Nikon soon.

Brown Noser Alert. Bro do you even create the content or copy and paste videos from you tube ?

you know what you'r right i post original stuff next time. thanks for advice

Photos have come out very immersive and lush green.. Nice shots..

Yes, it is summer time, and in Cambridgeshire, there are lots of parks with green trees and grass!

beautiful photography of a beautiful family... very nice.

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