手機ETN挖礦紀錄 phone ETN mining record

in #cn6 years ago

截至今天已經挖了一個月又十一日了 自從上個禮拜ETN平台更新後 hash rate 增加了一倍 挖礦的速度也快了很多 短短一個星期已經追上之前一個月的數量

i have been mining ETN with my phone for 41 days. Since last week, it updated the platform and doubled my hash rate. Mining with the new hash rate, I have got the same amount of ETN I mined for a month in a week LOL


這樣一個月有5美金的話還算不錯 因為反正他又不會額外耗電 為自己帶來一點額外收入拿去吃個飯也不錯 還沒有計算將來ETN升值的情況呢

well one month can bring me 5 USD. I think it’s quite nice becuz it does not consume extra energy of ur phone, also ETN still have great potential to increase its value .



而新的推薦系統會為你帶來5%的額外產量 所以不介意的話可以用我的推薦碼 互惠互利喔

the new referral programme will bring u extra 5% ETN after u used my code. So why not ?

只要在play store 搜尋 Electroneum 就會找到了

all u have to do is google Electronuem in play store, for APPLE user u have to wait ETN launch its IOS version...


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不會沒有的 只是ETN的blockchain 目前負荷比較重 要等一下 你看我也有九十幾在等著




這個你需要在設定 找到ETN的APP 然後允許他在後台運作 就沒問題了 我已經持續運作了好幾個禮拜

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