A glance of Finwise Blockchain Summit 纷智全球区块链大会见闻

in #cn7 years ago (edited)






5、金色财经这次火了,现场找了n多的show girl来撑场面,我一度以为自己走错地方了,以为这是chinajoy,也难怪,chainjoy比这次大会就早3天,也都是在上海,很有可能是一拨人。

6、openledger, Agrello作为特邀嘉宾出席,有演讲以及panel talk.

7、比特币中国,币久,海风藤等交易所都来了。OKCOIN, 火币等没来。


9、当天晚上的晚宴,除了集体聚餐外,还有发红包大赛,最高的好像是BTC123在面对面建的群里发了20000块微信红包,其他的8888的很多,过千的不计其数。 BTS社区的老大巨蟹发了2888,也是个土豪,可惜我没有抢到几个,呜呜呜。




show girl




最后预告下,9月中旬,每年一度的全球区块链大会,由万向组织,将在上海举行,这次应该是最重要的一个盛会了,V神,BM,以及几乎所有的国内大佬都会来参加。 YOYOW也会有展位,欢迎大家来参观! 搜索blockchain Summit Wanxiang 应该能找到相关信息。


真的是巨蟹这个亿万富翁吗? 有图才有真相:)

千真万确 童叟无欺

I apologize for my comment "China is a disgusting place" But i STAND by this comment, its true, china must change its ways, i will erase the photos of the human organ trafficking and the mobile execution vans but you must begin to adress these issues, steemiut is NOT just some place you can post pretty phoptyos and get paid, we WILL askyou about the politics of china

if you dont want to discusss politics, THATS TOUGH, we dont want to have to talk about all the problems you Chinese create for us in this planet, and you Chinese censor your own internet and you try to censor OUR internet so this will stop now, i will be the voice of the opressed chinese people if you will not

Thanks for you comments, I like debating with American because it helps me improving my English. And you know what, I never lose.

It's good for you to criticize us, China indeed has some issues. However, I will not criticize your government back on Mass Surveillance of your Citizens, Abu-Gharib torture prison camps, Illegal Invasion of Countries such as Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan, etc, or on Guantanamo Bay and Militarized police that shoots unarmed kids on Mid West. Delivering bayonets and grande launchers to UCLA police is very compatible with democratic values and universal declaration of freedom. I will not criticize back for killing thousands of innocent civilians in pretextual wars, and silently by drones, and killing millions of Indians in largest genocide in history of Planet Earth.

I have been in the US for many times, and welcome to China if you can afford a air ticket.



nice share

Thanks - nice

Gorgeous your post

i was there too!

cant understand the language but pictures are really amazing .....

I am there, in my dream surely 😂

Excellent post. Thanks for Share!

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