Chinese Crypto community weekly report 国内虚拟币界见闻八月第二周

in #cn8 years ago

引言 Abstract



全球区块链指数Global Blockchain Index In the past one month

区块链指数再创历史新高,达到了5000点以上。尽管很多虚拟币比如EOS,BTS,RIPPLE,ETH等等前阵子非常风光的币貌似有点偃旗息鼓,还远低于历史最高价,但不影响区块链指数创新高。究其原因,一是BTC价格创了新高,二是越来越多的优质项目进入了币圈,币界受到的关注越来越多,从传统VC,基金到个人,都把投资虚拟币项目作为了一件值得慎重考虑的事情。现在再也没有人问比特币是不是骗局这样的问题了。反而如果你现在还不懂区块链,那你一定是落伍了。毕竟单单比特币都有几千亿人民币的市值了。当然,几千亿人民币只是A股一只大盘股的市值,但我相信总有一天能达到几千亿美元,跟facebook Amazon apple等市值相媲美的。

币圈观察 Observation

1、IPFS火热开启了ICO。这个项目堪称年度最热项目,如果不是之一的话。能与之媲美的大约只有EOS。按照IPFS的ICO规模以及融资额,目前总估值已经超过了150亿人民币。而且这个项目有个与众不同的地方,就是对投资人要求极高,要求年收入大约30万美元,家庭资产大于100万美元,我想币圈的认识恐怕大部分人都达不到。虚伪的美国人就爱玩这一套,处处强调精英社会,很多事情底层人民连参与的机会也没有。 然而,这难不倒聪明的中国人,各种代投纷纷冒了出来,这里面有靠谱的比如ICOAGE, 币久,链行,hellobts.com等等有些名气的币圈山头,也有趁机坑蒙拐骗的各个私人代投。代投完美的规避了IPFS的官方规定,使得广大小散也可以参与到了这次财富的盛宴中。值得一提的是,目前hellobts.com代投的IPFS筹码已经流通交易了,价格已经翻番,想买筹码又没有购买资格的,可以去比特股内盘bitcny市场购买。

2、BTC价格上天,今天突破了28000人民币,离各大预测师们预测的10万人民币一枚又前进了一步。而且现在大家之前开玩笑的一比一嫩模已经没人提了,似乎觉得早已没什么疑问,近期甚嚣尘上的言论变成了一币一别墅。玩笑归玩笑,我认为不论价格,每个人是值得持有哪怕一枚BTC的。 假设BTC这个全球参与最广的去中心化组织市值能达到美股一家大企业的市值,也至少还有8倍以上的涨幅,而如果能达到一个前十名国家的GDP的话,还有几十上百倍的涨价空间。当然,归零也是有可能的,毕竟这个东西一年以前只有两三千人民币。

3、比特股内盘8月18号晚上8点将同时开启两家ICO,一个是Vechain, 一个是ATMatrix, 其中Vechain的预售权证已经几乎卖空,很难抢到了,而ATmatrix内盘的额度也不多,只有不超过400万,预计也会比较热门。感兴趣的可以提前到bitcny市场挂单,或者从hellobts.com的入口进去。


5、bitshares中国社区正吸引越来越多的开发者加入,icowallet, 以及crazybit的新钱包都在研发中。同时,外国社区申请worker的事情在国内也引起了热议,大部分人觉得UI的事情不应该由worker来做,应该由那些有经济利益的人自发来做。

6、各种ICO持续呈现井喷的态势,单单ICOAGE上有超过5家的币下周要ICO,每家单单再ICOAGE上都融资几千万,按照ICOAGE 6%的手续费,ICOAGE的盈利能力惊人,如果能发行分红币,我一定买。哦,对,他之前有个Cybex。而币久,以及一些新兴的ICO平台上的加起来至少十几家,貌似大部分都能筹满,惊讶于大家的资金能力。有句话说的好,区块链行业的创业者们,幸福的不像创业者,可以说出生时就含着金子的汤匙。


謝謝,學習到了很多以前都不知道的新東西和資訊,我也不要臉地來宣傳一下這個新成立的中文社區加密貨幣研究社 🙈🙈

I upvoted you but really don,t know what is post meaning because i do not Know chines well best of luck

I Have Replyed with the English Translation it should be in the comments somewhere! Hope you enjoy!

jademont nice info
i resteem ur post

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By: Nermin Black Redzic ©

English Translation (Google Translate) @sharoon :

The heat of this week's currency, like the GOT plot, has been to the extent of white-hot. However, like GOT only broadcast 4 sets, we feel just started the same, but in fact this season is only 7 episodes, in other words, unconsciously, the plot has been half, and then a two episodes, this season is nearing the end of the Discuss when the next season will come.
Coins also the same, rising by the BTC began to detonate the bull market, a few weeks before the competition coins turns performance, completely taken away the BTC's limelight. But in the end with the bifurcation of the temporary solution, BTC king return, also entered the last wave of skyrocketing stage. And other competitive currencies either died down or started to crash. As for where the BTC can go, let us wait and see.

QQ picture 20170813172615.gif

Global Blockchain Index In the past one month
Block chain index hit a record high, reaching more than 5000 points. Although a lot of virtual coins such as EOS, BTS, RIPPLE, ETH, etc. a while back very beautiful currency looks a bit down, but also far below the highest in history, but does not affect the block chain index record high. The reason is that BTC prices hit a new high, and second, more and more high-quality projects into the coin circle, the currency sector by more and more attention from the traditional VC, the fund to the individual, put the investment virtual currency project As a matter worth considering carefully. And now no one asked Bitcoin is not a problem such as a hoax. But if you still do not understand the block chain, then you must be outdated. After all, just a few hundred thousand dollars more than the market value of the currency. Of course, hundreds of billions of yuan is only a large stock market value of A shares, but I believe that one day to reach hundreds of billions of dollars, with facebook Amazon apple market value comparable.

Observation of coins
1, IPFS hot open ICO. This item is called the year 's hottest item, if not one of them. Can only be comparable with the only EOS. According to the IPO ICO scale and financing, the current total valuation has more than 15 billion yuan. And this project has a different place, that is, very demanding investors, requiring annual income of about 300,000 US dollars, the family assets of more than 1 million US dollars, I would like to know the currency circle most people are not reach. Hypocritical Americans love to play this set, always emphasize the elite society, a lot of things the bottom of the people even the opportunity to participate did not. However, it is harder than the Chinese people, all kinds of surrender have come out, there are Kaopu such as ICOAGE, coins for a long time, chain, and so some famous coins circle, also took the opportunity to pit Abduction of the individual on behalf of the vote. On behalf of the cast to avoid the official provisions of the IPFS, making the majority of small scattered can also participate in the feast of this wealth. It is worth mentioning that the current on behalf of the vote on the IPFS chips have been trading, the price has doubled, want to buy chips and no purchase qualification, you can go to the bit market intraday bitcny market to buy.

2, BTC price heaven, today broke the 28,000 yuan, from the major predictors predicted a 100,000 yuan a step forward. And now everyone joking before a tender mold has no one mentioned, it seems that has long been no doubt, the recent clamor of the remarks into a coin a villa. Joking joke, I think regardless of the price, everyone is worth holding even a BTC. Assuming that BTC, the world's most extensive center-to-center organization, can reach the market value of a big company in US stocks, and at least eight times more, and if you can reach a top ten countries, 100 times the price of space. Of course, zero is also possible, after all, this thing a year ago, only two or three thousand yuan.

3, the bit inside the stock on August 18 at 8 pm will also open two ICO, one is Vechain, one is ATMatrix, which Vechain's pre-sale warrants have been almost short, it is difficult to grab, and ATmatrix disk amount is not More than only 4 million, is expected to be more popular. Interested to advance to the bitcny market pending order, or from the entrance to

4, let the BTS community worried about the long P network finally use the balance of the cold wallet, the key loss of rumors unfounded.

5, bitshares Chinese community is attracting more and more developers to join, icowallet, and crazybit new wallets are in research and development. At the same time, foreign community applications for workers in the country also caused a hot, most people think that UI things should not be done by the workers, should be made by those who have the economic interests of spontaneous.

6, a variety of ICO continued to show the situation of blowout, ICOAGE alone on more than 5 yuan next week to ICO, each single ICOAGE are financing tens of millions, according to ICOAGE 6% fee, ICOAGE profitability amazing , If you can issue a red coin, I must buy. Oh, yes, he had a Cybex before. And the currency for a long time, as well as some of the emerging ICO platform add up at least a dozen, seemingly most can be filled, surprised at everyone's financial capacity. There are words that good, block chain industry entrepreneurs, happy not like entrepreneurs, it can be said that when born with gold spoon.

i upvote you. super post


With lots help from translator I understood this article, Generally speaking. Thank you.

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