Victoria Hong Kong Park && && 香港维多利亚公园

in #cn7 years ago

维多利亚香港公园是中国最美丽的旅游胜地之一, 香港的一个公共公园, 以维多利亚女王的名字命名, 位于香港岛以北的 Kossiai 湾。

在1957年开业的香港最大的开放公园, 占地面积19公顷, 被许多人利用在周末的一个星期, 在维多利亚公园度过他们的闲暇时间, 由于它的许多有吸引力的网站和其他设施。

Victoria Park Hong Kong Victoria Park is one of the most beautiful tourist spots in China. It is a public park in Hong Kong, named after Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. It is located in Cosiway Bay, in the north of Hong Kong Island.

Opened in 1957, the largest open-air park in Hong Kong, occupying 19 hectares, many people on weekends spend their leisure time in Victoria Park due to its many attractive locations and other facilities.

   Source image - 源圖像      

在 Kosiai 街花园的正门, 有一个巨大的维多利亚皇后雕像, 包括网球场、一个大游泳池和一个大的保龄球的绿色空间, 其他体育设施, 如中央公园、篮球场、足球场和多个儿童区

In the main entrance of the park from Cosyway Street sits a huge statue of Queen Victoria. The garden includes tennis courts, a large swimming pool, a large green area for bowling, and other sports facilities such as the central park, basketball courts,

  Source image - 源圖像      


花园里有许多水池, 用来经营那些能遥控的船, 无论是维多利亚公园游泳池, 还是香港第一个公共游泳池, 一个室内游泳池, 一个50米的国际游泳池和一个 multi-secondary 的游泳池。游客们经常使用这些用途。


·除了以上所有的, 维多利亚公园还有大量的庆典和音乐会, 你可以参加其中的一个音乐会, 欣赏户外的音乐色调。

There are many water pools within the park that are used to operate boats with technology that can be controlled remotely. The Victoria Park swimming pool is the first public swimming pool in the region, as an indoor complex with a 50-meter world swimming pool and a multi-purpose secondary swimming pool By visitors continuously.

Things to Do There:

• In addition to all of the above, Victoria Park receives a large number of events and concerts, you can attend one of these concerts to enjoy the music outdoors.

 Source image - 源圖像      

 ·谁不喜欢花朵的不同形状和它们美丽的颜色?维多利亚公园以香港最大的花卉花园为特色, 你现在可以尽情观赏五颜六色的花朵, 了解他们的类型 

• Who does not like flowers in different shapes and colors? Victoria Park With a collection of the largest flower gardens in Hong Kong you can now enjoy watching the colorful flowers up close, and getting to know them

  Source image - 源圖像    

   ·当你访问维多利亚公园时, 你必须做的最好的事情之一是护送你的孩子到他们的游戏区, 这样他们可以得到他们自己的娱乐和乐趣。 

• One of the best things to do when you visit Victoria Park is to bring your kids to their games area so they can get their entertainment and entertainment.

 Source image - 源圖像      




在这家餐厅的特色是, 它准备美味和健康的食物, 同时, 它是为儿童和成人的建议, 这间餐厅的菜单包含了一些美味的项目, 您将欢迎体验。

Best restaurant

You should try it near Victoria Park.

Is a delicious kitchen restaurant,

The restaurant features a delicious and healthy food, and it is recommended for children and adults, this restaurant's menu contains some delicious items that you will welcome to experience.

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