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RE: Want to know what the NWO Big Brother future looks like? Just look at China - a massive testbed for the future societal control grid
Oh, things are way worse than this. You should have read all my Geoengineering Series (and links in them) to know how bad they are, but even this is only a small part of it. I didn't tackle the spiritual part of it.
Orwell was a member of freemasons
I guess, I told you about this one already -excerpts are in the pdf form on the internet and Chinese governments have been part of freemasons too in the past and nowadays, Li family is the Illuminati family in China.
There are already some intents to counter this facial recognition.
But escape will be difficult and the stealing will become easy.
5G is more capable of penetrating the walls, so seeing behind the walls will be easier, but TV is for that purpose, and lower ortbit satellites will enable it as well.
Thanks very much for the links and additional insight! I fully agree with you that there is more to the story, but trying to tell in one post the whole history and story of how we are being attacked is like trying to eat an elephant in one bite.. not easily done.
I will definitely have a read of your geoengineering posts and will look to touch on geoengineering in the context of accompanying vaccination heavy metals and 5G, but this will need to be a separate topic all unto itself. The satanic genocidal planning behind all of this is so monstrous that the typical mind rebels at the thought of anyone sick enough to do this. This therefore requires some work to structure it all in an easily assimilable way.
Sure, an elephant is a bit too big for one bite.
Eugenicists and Technocracy, Inc. are other names they go by.