One day in Manchester 在曼城的一天

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

来曼大的第三周,暑期学习的课程已经告一段落,只剩下最后的展示环节。同行的同学,有些宅在宿舍里,有些出门逛街去了。百无聊赖之下,忽然想起,来了快大半个月,除了教学楼和商业街之外,还没去过曼城的其他地方。于是穿上衣服,换上运动鞋,打开 Google 地图,开始了一个人的冒险。

It is the third week since I came to UoM. The study of summer school has finally come to an end beside the last presentation. Some of my friends are staying at the dormitory, some of them are out for shopping. As I was just being bored, it suddenly occurred to me that I haven't been to any other places except the university and high street since I came here. So, I jump up, wear my clothes, change my shoes, open the Google Map and start my own adventure.


我有一个习惯,每到一个城市,总要去一下当地的博物馆。于是曼彻斯特博物馆成为了我的第一个目的地。看了下地图,显示就在离宿舍不远的地方,遂往之。到达之后才发现,原来曼切斯特博物馆就在曼大校园内,Google 之才知道,原来曼彻斯特博物馆本就从属于曼大,既作为公共博物馆像公众开放,同时也为曼大提供学术研究和教学之用。

The 1st stop: The Manchester Museum

I have a habit that whenever I come to a city, I will always go to the local museum. So, the Manchester Museum become my first destination. As I checked the map, it shows that it is not far away. ‘Why not walk there?’, I said to myself. I didn’t know that the museum is just on the university campus before I arrived there. I googled it and found that the museum belongs to UoM. It is not only a public museum open to the citizens but also provides research assistance to researchers in the university.


On the way:

The Principal Manchester(王府酒店)

Manchester City Council(曼城议会)

第二站:John Rylands 图书馆

既然来了曼大,如果不去一趟传说中的世界最美图书馆之一的 John Rylands 图书馆,那就太可惜了。一走进去,就会被它的优雅和精致所吸引。斑斓的玻璃将阳光打散,洒落在精巧的雕刻墙饰上。书架上古老的书籍,透露出淡淡的英式贵族气息。置身其中,仿佛来到了哈利·波特中的霍格沃兹图书馆。在某一个不经意的瞬间,时空错乱。

The 2nd stop: John Rylands Library

It would be a great pity if I didn’t go to John Rylands Library which is one of the world most beautiful libraries before I leave. I was totally attracted by its beauty and elegance. The glass breaks the light into colorful pieces and throws them to the delicate decorations on the wall. You can feel the smell of classic noble from the old books. Standing in there, it feels like you were just standing in the Hogwarts Library in Harry Potter. At some moment, space-time seems to be in disorder.



The 3rd stop: The Manchester Cathedral

This place was not in the plan. I was just passing by and being attracted to its grand architectural style all of a sudden. The Gothic appearance seems to be trying to people something. With all respect, I opened the door of the cathedral. However, as I coming in, the warming welcome of the staff has washed my worry away. With a tourist guide in my hand, I was deeply impressed by the charm of this cathedral. The grand colored window, the gorgeous sculpture, and the iconic organ. The great sound of the organ came from the earth through the body, striking to the soul.


曼城和足球两个词放佛是分不开的,提到曼城,就不得不提到足球。虽然我并不是个合格的球迷,但还是慕名而来。博物馆从 2012 年开始对外开放,造型很有意思,从外面看上去就像个球鞋。里面有各式各样的关于足球的展品,包括各种游戏和视频。相信喜欢足球的人一定会喜欢这个地方。只可惜我不是个球迷,嘿嘿。

The 4th stop: The National Football Museum

You can’t ignore football as soon as you mention Manchester. Even though I am not a real football fan, I still came to this place because of its fame. The museum has been open to the public since 2012. Its appearance is very interesting, which looks like a sneaker. There are different kinds of exhibits among there, including games and videos. It’s sure that people who love football will love this place. It’s quite a pity that I am not. 😅



啊,那张照片是博物馆里展出的一个摄影作品 Hive and a woman。当时第一眼看到的时候就特别喜欢😄





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