【开心一日不停 | Happy day doesn't stop -180528】
【1】张继科你干嘛欺负小朋友!-Zhang Jike why do you bully kids!
【2】正在给狗狗上药的医护人员,突然开启了一段说走就走的旅行-The medical staff who are taking drugs to the dogs suddenly started a trip that left
【3】别人家的猫-Other people's cats
【5】你出不出来-You can't come out
【6】大家都来助力-Everyone helps
【9】编剧,别把人当脑残-Screenwriter, don't leave people as brains
【12】这是啥工具-This is a tool
【13】很需要-Very much needed
【14】草木修理器-Repair tools
【25】姚明学弟-Yao Ming’s younger brother
【16】厉害了我的弟-My brother is terrible
【17】切肉-Cut meat
【19】可恶的飞车党-Hateful Speed Party
【20】纯手工特效-Handcrafted effects