陰謀論, 911事件的真相 ? 歡迎討論 // Conspiracy, The truth of 911 ? Welcome for discussionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago

Investigating into more conspiracy is one of my interest as it seems to discover the dark side of human. I would like to declare that I am not trying to start a war between any positions but just want to share my interests and researches. And this post is completely written by myself by organizing many articles and analysis. If you like this conspiracy series, please support me with upvote and follow, I will keep updating more of them : )

研究陰謀論是我一個很大的興趣 因為他可以發現人類很多的黑暗面 首先我要聲明我不是要跟任何立場的人爭辯 而是只想分享一下我的興趣和研究 這篇文章是我從很多研究和分析綜合出來的 如果你喜歡這個陰謀論系列 請多多支持我 我會繼續更新 希望大家會耐心閱讀 : )

The first conspiracy I want to share is a well-known terrorists attack, 911. There are many doubtful spots in 911

第一個我要分享的陰謀論就是眾所認識的911恐怖襲擊 在這個事件中是有很多疑點的

Doubtful Spots !

1. Military Plane // 軍用飛機

Based on the witnesses and the recording video, many analysis said that were military plane instead of a passenger-carrying aircraft. Why there was a military plane hitting the twin tower instead of normal aircraft ?

跟據目擊者和紀錄片段 很多分析都指出撞擊的飛機是軍用機而不是民航飛機 但為甚麼會是一台軍用機呢 ?
那不是一宗劫機事件嗎 ?

2. Melting structure by massive heating generated by explosion // 被爆炸熱力破壞了的內部結構

Twin tower is a famous building that known as the most sturdy building at that time. It can withstand any explosion included terrorist attack. Since the building material is the toughest one and it said they won't get melted even with massive heat. However, in the 911 attack, they melt very fast and get destroyed completely

世貿是當時很著名的大廈 以非常堅固見稱 他可以抵住任何的爆炸包括恐怖襲擊 因為他用的搭建材料都是非常堅硬的 宣稱就算有強大的熱力都不會熔掉 但是在911事件 他們很快就抵不住了

3. Free-falling destruction // 自由落體的破壞速度

Okay you may say they exaggerate their quality. But just like what mentioned in the photo, only the upper part of the building get smashed and melted. But the bottom part should be fine. During the building falling process, it fell in a free-falling velocity, which mean the object is falling in a velocity that nothing was blocking it. However, the bottom part should be act as a barrier and slow down the falling process, in fact, it does not. What does that imply ?

可能你會說他們誇大的自己的堅固程度吧 不過就像圖片裡所說 只有建築物上邊的部份被撞擊和熔化 那下半部份應該沒事的 在建築物倒下的過程中 他是以自由落體的速度倒下的 意思就是跌落的過程之中 沒有任何阻力阻擋他以地心吸力的速度掉下 下半部份沒事的部份理應可以阻止或者減慢倒下的過程 不過事實上完全沒有 那代表著甚麼 ?

(from wordpress)

4. 7 WTC Centre falling // 7號世貿大廈坍塌

Although the terrorist attack only happened in the twin tower, the 7 world trade centre falling for no reason under free falling velocity. It was very suspicious

盡管恐怖襲擊是發生在雙子塔那邊 但是七號世貿大廈就沒原因的以自由落體的速度坍塌下來了 非常可疑

5. Controlled demolition // 人為製造的爆破

The only reasonable solution is there is controlled demolition inside the building, so the building will explode and fall down gradually in free falling velocity. In fact, there were some internal maintenance in the building just few days before 911 said by the workers working the WTC. The internal maintenance covered many floors and many workers were working on that. That was suspicious that they may planning the bomb at that time.

唯一一個合理的解釋就是人為製造的爆破 所以建築物才會由上而下慢慢的 以自由落體的速度坍塌 事實上 有在世貿工作的人透露過 在911發生之前幾天有很多工人在做內部維修 而且在不同的樓層也需要這內部維修 工人的數目也不少 看起來像個大工程 很可能在那時候就裝好了炸彈準備爆破

You can check this video to see if it is controlled demolition // 你可以看一下這影片 它像不像人為爆破

6. Mayor of the New York City // 紐約市市長

The Mayor will have a regular meeting at tuesday which is the day of 911. However, the mayor rarely did not attend the meeting. Some researches also said that many employee was informed that not to work on that day, which is very very suspicious

市長每個星期二都會在世貿有會議的 911就是星期二了 但是市長那天罕有地沒有出席會議 有些研究指出 很多員工在那天都有被通知不要上班 真的非常可疑

7. Record collected quickly // 所有有關紀錄都很快被收回

All the video or any record about 911 was collected by the FBI quickly. I think they want to hide some key evidence of 911 from the public.

所有與911有關的影片或者紀錄都很快被美國聊邦收回了 我想他們是想隱藏一些重要的相關資訊 ...

8. A myth // 都市傳說

Some of the people said that one of the "hijacked" plane was planning to smash another building and actually get settle down by the passengers. They subdued the hijackers and tried to contact the airport centre as they found out the hijackers were from the US government instead of terrorists. The military recognized this situation was very bad and the whole plan would be exposed to the public. So they fired a cannon and smash the plane. And that was the broken pieces from the third plane discovered outside.

有人說 其中一台被騎劫了準備要撞擊第三個目標的飛機 其實已經被乘客制服了 而且他們想要聯絡機場的聯絡中心通知他們 劫機者不是恐怖份子而是美國軍方官方的人員 美軍發現這是個很大的事故 因為他們整盤計劃都會被公緒於世了 所以他們用飛彈將那台飛機擊落 這台飛機就是在很遠的地方被發現的飛機殘骸

We would stop here for the doubtful spots for now as there are more of them can be mentioned but these are the most suspicious one

我就先在這邊不再說疑點了 因為有更多的可以繼續說 不過這些都是最可疑的

Why US Government want to organize this "Terrorist attack" ?

The possible reason is US government want to make US people angry at the terrorists, so the US can have a glorified reason to attack Iraq and Arabia. In fact, they want to attack them long time ago as Iraq Arabia have many valuable resources that US really wanted. The other reason is US is the biggest trader in munitions, starting a war can earn them a lot of money

一個很有說服力的原因就是美國政府希望美國公民會憎恨恐怖份子 那他們就名正言順的攻打伊拉克和阿拉伯等地區 事實上他們早就想打他們了 因為那裡有美國很想要的寶貴資源 另外一個原因就是 美國是世界上最大的軍火貿易商 開戰對他們來說無疑會帶來龐大的利益 講到底都是為了錢

Thank you for reading my blog and I will keep posting more blog about my daily snapshot foodie and cat cafe too ! If you like and want to support, please hit me up with the upvote and the follow, greatly appreciated ^^

感謝你閱讀我的博客 我會繼續介紹更多的日常生活美食照和貓貓咖啡廳 如果你喜歡和支持我的 請點個upvote和追蹤我吧 非常感謝你 ^^

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多謝支持 !
但很多都是有說服力的動機支持 所以我很喜歡這種黑暗層面的說法




感謝分享 !! :)

"Why US Government want to organize this "Terrorist attack" ?"

I could go on for 1000 pages to explain this in detail but the short version is simple. It was done to fulfill the PNAC document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" which was published 1 year to the day prior to the 9/11 attacks (Sept 11 2000) and was authored by a wide range of people who would then move into positions of power via the Bush regime, a document that called for a "New Pearl Harbor" style attack in the United States which would be used to persuade the American public into going along with the wanted overarching PNAC agenda, which called for a massive increase in defense spending and the fighting of several major theater wars in order to re-establish American military dominance (which is exactly what took place in the aftermath of the attacks).

Amalgam Virgo, Vigilant Guardian, Global Guardian...
Gelatin, Urban Moving Systems, Moving Systems Incorporated...
Kroll, Halliburton, PNAC...
AMEC, Huntleigh USA, SPC International...
Oh how deep the 9/11 rabbit hole goes...

Hi! I've just upvoted this post and follow you... Interesting! Keep in touch! :)

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