
in #cn7 years ago

Last night i had a horrible dream.I dreamed abt my mother got BPPV again.Last time I posted an essay abt BPPV but today i wanna post it AGAIN to catch u guys' attention abt it!There are english version and chinese version.If there are some places i didn't express clearly or i made mistakes,plz correct me.Thank u!Best wishes!
BPPV must be a strange word to a lot of people.However,it's a very common disease in our life.It's said that almost every person will get it at least once in his or her whole life.It varies from person to person…some people may get it only once.But some people will be disturbed by it during their whole life.
I know this disease because my mom have got it but unluckily she gonna have it in her whole life.My mother is a teacher and she works very hard.She always stays up late to check students' homework and prepare the next class.And what's more she has to take care of me especially when i was young.(My father doesn't often live with us bacause of his work so my mother had to take care of everything of me when i was a baby.)She didn't get enough rest and she didn't have time to exercise.So when she was in her twenties,she got it and it was her first time.She got a serious headache and she vomitted violently. However,at that time,she didn't know it was BPPV.She just thought it was cervical spondylosis.So being careless,she ignored it,thinking of if she got enough rest than it would be ok.She was a young adult at that time and her physical fitness was good.As what she was thinking,after a good long sleep,she recovered very soon.BUT!She started suffering from it every year since that time!!!And till i was in twelfth grades(time before entrance exam in China).She got it again as expected.But what was different is she even couldn't afford it at that time.I was scared to death and called my aunt to send my mom to hospital.Finally!We knew it was BPPV!
BPPV is something that is very similar to cervical spondylosis.But it is much more painful!When a people get cupulolithiasis,not only a bad headache.He(She) will vomit violently.And he(she) can't open his(her) eyes!Once he(she) opens his(her) eyes,he(she) would feel that the whole earth is rotating!There are many reasons that may lead to BPPV.Like genetic,head is hit hard,irregular habits and so on.
Till now there is no way to cure it thoroughly.There is a chinese way called 复位治疗法 working very effectively!But only when the patient is suffering from it.
Those who don't get this disease…u guys should really feel happy😂.To prevent it now i give some tips:
1.When you wake up don't get up rapidly and accidently.Prepare enough time for your body to totally wake up!(MOST important!)
2.Don't stay up.Exercise more and more.Eat food which contain lots of vc and protein.
3.Drink as much water as you can!(Also important!)

Anyways let's love ourselves!Love our bodies!

耳石症,与有世界疑难杂症之称的美尼尔氏综合症不同。耳石症,又称良性阵发性位置性眩晕,指耳石膜上的耳石因致病因素而脱落,在内耳内淋巴的液体里游动,当人体头位变化时,这些半规管亦随之发生位置变化,沉伏的耳石就会随着液体的流动而运动,从而刺激半规管毛细胞,导致机体眩晕。患病人群一般为中年患者(45-50岁) 女性偏多。耳石症有很多诱发因素:遗传,头部受到重击(我有一个朋友今年19岁就是因为在踢足球时不小心被足球很重地砸了然后导致耳石脱落),生活不规律,身体素质差等等。耳石症发作时主要分为两部分:眩晕和眼震。发病时病人无法睁开双眼,一旦睁开就会感觉全世界翻天覆地地旋转(我妈妈的描述),并且同时还有头晕和呕吐,身体漂浮感十分强。所以耳石症病人发病时十分痛苦。比颈椎病简直痛苦一万倍!


@emma7, 朕是来给你的好文采雨露均沾的...
