Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 12 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 12 期

in #cn7 years ago

The Steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu and @wilkinshui aims to bridge the gap between the whole community and the CN-subcommunity by summarizing important events, projects, announcements and etc on Steemit in the past week and present them in a concise way in Chinese for all CNers to keep up-to-date with others out there. We sincerely hope that this little act benefits Steem as a whole as well as the development of Steem-CN for many years to come.

第 12 期 | 5 December 2017


Multi-language support for is here!

by @steemitblog 為了讓全球各地的潛在用戶能得到更好的體驗,針對非登入用戶 會自動偵測並顯示該用戶瀏覽器設定的語言,目前已經能支援英文,西班牙文,俄羅斯文,法文和意大利文。這也是 未來重點的計劃。

STEEMIT 動向 / Apps 消息

Welcome to!

by @steemchiller

又有另一個為 Steemit 的用戶分析資訊的介面,可查詢的用戶內容非常完整喔!其中,比較特別的是用戶可以查詢自己從 Steemit 的第一天直至今天的總獲利,有興趣的快點查詢吧!


Voting Abuse and Ineffective Curation: A proposal for blockchain-level change

by @blocktrades



Day 4 - Steem Advent Calendar 2017, Win prize everyday!

by @good-karma

從現在開始直至聖誕, @good-karma 每天都會發起一個比賽,得勝者可以獲得一部分的 Post Reward 並以 Power Up 的方法獎勵得勝者。 @good-karma 的文一般利潤也很好,所以大家不要錯過這次機會啊!

STEEM: This is bigger than us! For sure bigger than me - pic related ;) :)

by @noisy

在波蘭舉辦的 CryptoCurrencyWorldExpo,我們有幸得到 @noisy 幫忙推廣 Steem,演講的主題為 "Blockchain Technology in Social Media - The easiest way to achieve mass adoption?" 相信我們當中也是很多人是首先接觸 Steemit 從而對 Cyptocurrent 產生興趣,希望這次演講也會為 Steemit 帶來新的用戶。

Upbit recently listed STEEM-KRW and SBD-KRW

by @acidyo

最近相信大家也會發現 Steem 跟 SBD 的表現真的很不錯呢。原來最近韓國的 Upbit 把 Steem-KRW 和 SBD-KRW 都上線呢。韓國人要投資 Steem 的渠道又多了一個。什麼時候幣安也會加進 Steem和 SBD呢(笑)?


〈社區週邊事〉是由 @deanliu@wilkinshui 發起合作,我們將會定期總結整個Steemit社區所發生的重要事件或項目進展等,例如Steemitblog的新公告,社區重要人物的談話,社區重大事件或活動,Steem重要Apps的發布與進度,其他Steem相關社區的發展新動向,或是一些界面的更新等。主要目的是希望協助各位CN區的朋友們,能夠以更有效率的方式掌握社區動態,讓大家能夠不只是來發帖賺錢,也不要只單單關注CN區內部的消息動態,好好利用這一平台的國際化特色,與其共同成長。另一方面,也期許大家多多以此為基礎,去向外互動與發展,促進CN區與大社區的和諧共榮。

過去前九期本系列作者收入的25%已累積於 @angelfund作為未來支持任何可以強化全球中文社群在此發展的專案開發項目,有鑒於CN區收益的銳減,為維持本刊長期繼續發行,將暫時停止累積,等待未來提升後再恢復。敬請讀者繼續支持並給予任何反饋建議。

Disclaimer - images from respective sources. please notify us if you do not wish to share the image and accept our sincere apology for not asking you in advance as we do not have enough time to ask permissions one by one; logo and boarders designed by @nicolemoker.



So nice efforts @deanliu and @wilkinshui your points and plans for the community are awsome. I trust you prevail in your positive considering. more thanks which you are doing, the improvement and advancement of community.


The great pic and useful informatuon @deanliu.

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