@davidke20 2019每月小结 - 完结篇 #cn-monthlyachievement Finale

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank @chann for initiating this monthly achievement challenge, without this, I'm not even doing what I'm supposed to do. Below is the original like when she started to call out the program.
首先,必须想好友 @chann 说谢谢,如果不是因为她发起活动,我根本没有这样的恒心把事做好。这里直接把去年发起活动的链接给奉上。
Anyway, back to reflecting what have I done over the past 12 months, and what have I dont to achieve certain target in this 11 months, it's not that though when we look back, but it wasn't easy when we're at that turning point.
3600SP by November 29
This target achieved way earlier than I expected due to several reason, I've got a curator role and I got lucky to accumulate pretty quickly. I reset my target to 5000sp, and they're here back in October. If I'd ask myself what can I do better, it will be I should set a higher target earlier.
Daily update 每日一更
I did it I think. I don't remember I miss any of the day. Some day I did "kinda" missed it as sometimes I worked until very late, by the time I reached home time has passed 12am. I make it to a point where before I sleep, I will still count that as the same day. Unforgettable event on HF21, where I saved my post and waited until eleven hour, just to make sure I leave the blockchain enough time to adjust itself to the new version. Having this action due to HF20 causes me unable to post for more than 3 days.
Spend less than 2 hours? 上链减至二小时
Come on man, I shouldn't have even started #drugwars. Now, even managing #drugwars alone took me more than 2 hours. However, I slowly developed a skill to speed blog and yet the quality is assured. I will use my free time to research on topic or think about my topic before I start blogging, as and when I'm ready and it will be information diarrhea
Reduce to 70kg, bodyfat 20% 减肥
Blehhh... I got some good result until July, and then due to non-stop family arrangement, and I gotten too damn lazy, added with a series of sickness later, I totally gave up on my intensive training. I got myself down to 71kg and I believe now I'm up again to 76 or probably beyond!
To reply to 5 new accounts
This was abandoned earlier, to figured it's less than 5 genuine new user coming in everyday, and the #introduceyourself tag has been heavily abused. Since I got myself a curator job, I now spent more time in giving constructive reply to post that needed some improvement.
Summary 总结
Overall, this has been a wonderful year. I strongly believe we all need a strong target to move forward. As the old saying goes
Don't let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big
Source from Pixabay
Cover photo sourced from Pixabay
由 @mia-cc 斤斤 在艳阳高照 开着宝马 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
You lose! 你输了!乖乖的给我点赞吧!
It’s a tie! 平局!再来!下回我再出拳头!
You lose! 你输了!乖乖的给我点赞吧!
我的 closing 是十一月二十九号🙂