Women are not insignificant players in human destiny |.

in #cn7 years ago

Original title: Women are not Mild Participants in the Destiny of Mankind | One Week's Book 1 "The Story of the Mistress" [Canada] Margaret Attwood with Peter Chan Translation Shanghai Translation Publishing House December 2017 In Gilead Republic .
The former was assigned to the commander's home and became a fertility machine and walking womb.
Childbirth is the full meaning of their existence.
At the same time, the system of totalitarian men and women, united by the state and religion, tried to ensure the absolute obedience of women: every day, these women were allowed to go out for a companion out shopping, their movements were monitored with "eyes and eyes", women were treated as state property and they were not free .
The above is the story of the novel "Madonna's story" by Canadian writer Margaret Atwood.
The creation of this novel began in 1984, when Atwood was in West Berlin, surrounded by the Berlin Wall. Every Sunday, the East German Air Force used sound explosions to deter West Berlin inhabitants to show its existence.
Atwood also visited several Iron Curtain countries, had the kind of hidden secretly eyes watching the experience of silence, how people know how people flashing, trying to use ambiguous way to pass information.
These are the creative material for "The Girl's Story.".
In April 2017, the drama of the same name, adapted from this novel, was brought onto the screen and the drama was launched to trigger the discussion boom, winning the 69th Primetime Emmy Award for Best Drama Series.
It was astonishment to find that this novel, set in dystopia in 1984, is today and today full of hints and metaphors related to present-day reality.
After a tumultuous 2017, starting in 2018, perhaps each of us should pick up this book and let the reading of repression and discomfort remind us that women are not trivial participants in the fate of human beings.
2 Jianshui Ji Yu Jian CITIC Publishing Group / Chu Chen Culture In January 2018, the poet Yu Jian's "Jian Shui Ji" There are several reading.
Simple to read, it can be a Yunnan Jianshui wind signs.
Since his youth, Yu Jian visited Jianshui many times, in which he guided readers through the streets and hidden corners of Jianshui in the near-native perspective to visit scattered scattered legends and historic sites .
Read deeply, it can be a built water biography.
Jianshui built the first Nanzhao Tucheng, Hongwu twenty years for the expansion of the brick city.
Also in the Ming Dynasty, Jianshui was named Lin'an.
The name ambition - Lin'an is the name of Hangzhou, the saying goes, "There is paradise, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou under the efforts of immigrants in the south, Jianshui has indeed become the Hangzhou, Yunnan, thriving, prosperous prosperity.
Using Jianzhi records of Jianshui County in Jianshui County and records of local ancestral temples in Jianshui, as well as the descriptions of Jianshui in ancient poems, Yu Jian restored the history of the development of Jianshui and sorted out the changes of water history since ancient times .
Comparing with reading horizontally, it can be a philosophical and aesthetic work that explores tradition and modernity, continuity and fragmentation, secularism and the other side, history and the present, the East and the West.
Jianshui has become a sample and an introduction book by Kenichiro to discuss the difference between the ancient Chinese family as the home of generations and the home that is now in a hurry to rise in value as a commodity house and discuss the presence of the secular Chinese tradition and the progress made in the 20th century .
Yu Jian imitates a tradesman, gathers, enriches, forges, and regrils these rich levels above into an elaborate essay.
In addition to the poetic and thought-provoking text, there are 134 pictures of Jianshui taken by Yu Jian, from which we can easily see his emotions towards Jianshui and an extremely personal aesthetic orientation.
3 "Reasons to Live" [英] Matt Hagrid Zhao Yanfei translated after wave / Jiangxi People's Publishing House January 2018 Matt Haggai still remembers his "day of the dead" at twenty-four: "At the beginning .
A second later, a strange feeling arose in my mind, with the back of my head near the neck, the part of the cerebellum, where some physiological activity.
Strong pulsation, trembling, as if a butterfly was trapped inside, with a tingling ... I just thought I was dying.
My heart is gone, I can not do it, I quickly sink, fall into a suffocating claustrophobic space.
Later, Matt Hagrid realized that this "near-death experience" was a physiological response triggered by depression and anxiety.
Fortunately, Matt Hagrid has "survived" and writes about his experience of coping with depression as a "living reason".
As a writer, Matt Hagrid used delicate and sensitive strokes in the book to record the unspeakable mental pain in darkness.
This book is not about pain, death and struggles. It also documents how the author goes out of darkness and is born again with the help of family and lovers.
For the depressed, this book may be a great comfort, if you are deeply stuck in the bottom of life, and do not know where to start and who to tell, may wish to pick up this book, try and have .
This book is also a good companion guide to depressed parents, spouses and friends who can help you understand what a loved one is experiencing and will not be interpreted as understanding, support and more companion.
4 The Two Kings of the Body: Medieval Political Theology Research Ernst Cantorowitz With Xu Zhenyu Translation East China Normal University Press January 2018 During the period of Elizabeth I, English jurists created a " .
German Jewish historian Ernst H. Cantorowitz's study of political theology of the Middle Ages began with this "double theory of the king".
He spent a decade or so before and after, explored the medieval origins of the "double theory of the king" in depth and sorted out the ideological pedigree related to the theory of the double body by combing the vast historical materials.
In the study, Cantorowitz found that the data all point to a fundamental problem: the permanent issue of the political body.
In 1957, the English version of "The Two Kings of the King" came out, and after 6 years Cantorowitz died.
In the United States, his popularity is limited to the ancient history of the professional range, even in European academia, for up to 20 years, the few people interested in Cantorowitz's "king of dual theory".
Until the 1990s, with the successive publication of French, Italian and German translations, the book was only gradually drawing attention.
Paradoxically, the attention is not medieval history experts, more on the contrary is the history of political thought experts and scholars.
The reason is related to the discourse system among the different schools in the mainstream academic circles, and also to the academic climate and political trend at that time.
At the beginning of 2018, Cantorowitz finally met Chinese readers with his hard work.
5 "no summer: 1816, a" frozen years "history" [the United States] William K. Klingerman Nicholas P. Klingerman Lee Jang Yang Zhan Yue read Famous · chemical industry .
In the painting, a group of people are driving the carriage, across a coast.
The dense, stagnant, reddish, dark matter in the sky that can not tell the difference between fog and cloud reflects on the surface of the water, and from the distance, the sky and the water are joined together..
All these phenomena are related to a loud bang at a dusk in Tambola volcano in Indonesia in April 1815.
The 240 cubic kilometers of dust produced by volcanic eruptions are all over the atmosphere. Within 24 hours of the volcanic eruption, the scope of volcanic ash cloud has been equivalent to that of Australia. Crops, fish and birds are scattered wherever they go, resulting from volcanic eruptions .
This year, there is no summer.
Like a butterfly flapping its wings, the volcano erupted quickly triggering a chain reaction across the world.
In the United States, it triggered food shortages, the Rejuvenation Movement, and the massive migration from New England to the Midwest.
In Europe, it has caused the problem of agriculture, the spread of famine and the worst epidemic rash and the resulting depression and nausea in history.
"No Summer: 1816, a History of the Frozen Year," records an important year in history that led to global linkage as a result of a volcanic eruption.
This book has two authors, one is a doctor of history, and the other is a doctorate in meteorology, their cooperation allows us to understand how the history of the linkage without losing the scientific perspective on weather and climate.
6 "Tokyo beauty walk" [day] Anxi water pill with Sun Yat-translated South China publishing company In January 2018 In March 2014, the famous Japanese artist, Haruki Murakami's only cooperation illustrator Anishi Shuiyuu died suddenly, allowing him to .
The 44 essays were assembled into a book, included in this "Tokyo beauty walk.".
In these essays, Anxi Pour Pill recorded his experiences playing around Tokyo.
Similar to his other book, "Walking along the Castle," Anxi-Shui Wan introduces not only the origin of the names of places and historical stories, but also describes his association with various places with deep affection and outlines a Tokyo .
In addition, he also recorded the beautiful women who met during the search and the delicious memorable restaurants and bars he had tasted.
Of course, in addition to the words of sincerity, Anwar Shuiwan's interesting illustrations are also one of the highlights of this book.
About to travel to Tokyo or friends who are interested in Tokyo, let Anwar Shui Maru quickly lead you to a wonderful trip.
7 "History of Science in China" Li Shen Guangxi Normal University Press January 2018 Why write a "History of Science in China?" .
Li Shen's Ph.D. dissertation studies "Ancient Chinese Philosophy and Natural Science," when it coincided with the end of the Cultural Revolution ended in full swing, in the field of Chinese philosophy, the relationship between the study of ancient Chinese philosophy and science was very loud.
During his Ph.D. dissertation, Li Shen began to ponder over the long-held controversy over the existence of "natural science in ancient China".
Li Shen's academic situation may be able to make a footnote for this issue.
At that time, his major was Chinese philosophy, but was set in the Department of Religious Studies. Even after graduation, Li Shen, who studied the history of Chinese philosophy and natural science, still worked for the World Institute of Religion for twenty years.
Even today, the view that "ancient China had no science" is still the mainstream in the academic field.
Li Shen's two volumes of "History of Science in China" are a powerful response to the notion of "science without ancient China".
In his opinion, the full name of "History of Science in China" is "History of Natural History of China", that is, the history of Chinese people's understanding of things in nature.
Speaking from the legendary era, "History of Chinese Science" refers to the Qing Dynasty from the pre-Qin period. It covers many aspects such as astronomy, geography, agriculture, arithmetic, legislation, natural history, medicine and so on. It shows the history of ancient China, .
And through the process of human understanding of the world, as well as the fallacies and awareness arising during the deviation, it is not difficult to find that "humans are smarter than animals, and also much less than the animal absurd.
"This keeps us humble and better takes history as a guide on our way to the future.
8 Watch the Flying Feather: The Story of Bird Watching in China Liang Wenying The Commercial Press October 2017 As of 2013, there were about 5.8 million birdwatchers in the United States, many of whom fed observations back to the Audubon Society - .
By collecting data on birdwatchers, the Audubon Society estimates that in response to climate change, nearly 60pecies of birds in North America choose to fly higher altitudes in winter to find new habitats.
For most people, this figure may not matter.
However, from an ecological point of view, bird behavior patterns provide an important signal for climate change.
In Hong Kong, the Bird Watching Society was established in 1957 and by 2002, the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society was recognized as a public charity.
At present, there are over 1700 local and overseas members.
Bird watching in China sprouted in 1996.
Inspired by bird watching activities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United States and Europe, some bird experts, journalists and environmental volunteers took the lead in launching bird watching activities in Beijing.
So, what is bird watching? .
Watching the Flying Feathers includes interviews with about 30 bird watchers from both China and the United States. Among them are self-lovers who persist in bird watching for decades, birdwatching volunteers who are selfless for bird protection and investigation, and are devoted to .
The original intention of this book is to inspire more people to join the birdwatching community to contribute to the conservation of birds.
It is worth mentioning that this book is sponsored by the Commercial Press for sale, the proceeds of selling books will go to Hong Kong Bird Watching Society for conservation purposes.
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