长坤书法 墨迹刚干 Changkun's Calligraphy, The Ink is just Dried out.

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

1. 自强不息 constantly strive to become stronger

2. 追梦 Seeking Dreams

3. 河山 Rivers and Mountains

4. 功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who is preparing for.

5. 花好月圆 blooming flowers and full moon

6. 国色天香 national beauty and heavenly fragrance

7.有容乃大 Tolerance is a virtue

8. 路漫漫 A Long Way to Go

这是刚刚写的大字, 用的是善琏湖大楷毛笔和A4打印纸, 谢谢欣赏或批评。It's just finished by big size Chinese Calligraphy Brush. Thank you very much for reading. Any suggestions and comment are welcome.



That's good, thanks.

这才是大家需要看到的,好书法,介绍也到位,不顶都不行 :)


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