最新加密貨幣的資訊渠道的分享 Share the latest cryptocurrency news channel
正所謂"快人一步, 理想達到".
大家可能都試過發現一些有潛力的新貨幣I時, 原來ICO已發售完畢(例如Tezso ICO),
已錯失入貨機會. 又或者不知道如何獲得最新加密貨幣的資訊.
這次分享下 我獲取最新加密貨幣資訊的渠道.
As you may miss out the hot cryptocurrency news or hot ICO schedule, today I would like to share my channel on getting those latest news.
Gatecoin blog : https://blog.gatecoin.com/
我是來自香港, 透過Gatecoin 以HKD買賣 Bitcoin & ETH. 由於我是Gatecoin 客戶, 所以常常收到它們發來的消息. 我就是
通過Gatecoin 知道Tezos ICO 的信息. 大家就算不是客戶,也可以Follow gatecoin , 以獲取最新信息.I came from Hong Kong and I open an account in Gatecoin to trade BTC & ETH by HKD . As an customer, I always receive the hot news from them such as Tezos ICO. You can also follow Gatecoin to get the news even if you are not their customer.
Cryptocoinsnews : https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/
Cryptocoinsnews 是一處以英文為主去發佈加密貨幣, 區塊鏈, Fintech 最新消息的地方.
Cryptocoinsnews provide breaking cryptocurrencies , blockchain technology and FinTech news.區塊客 : http://blockcast.it/
不喜歡看英文朋友, 則可以去區塊客. 它是一處以中文為主去發佈最新加密貨幣和區塊鏈消息的地方.
Blockcast.it mainly published the cryptocurrency news in Chinese language.ICO news and schedule :
https://tokenmarket.net/ico-calendar我主要跟蹤以上三處地方去留意ICO 發佈資料和時間, 應該已包括大部份ICO 的項目.
I subscribe above websites to follow the ICO news and schedule which should already included most of ICO projects.
如果大家有其他更好的加密貨幣資訊渠道, 也歡迎分享!
If you have any other good channel to get the cryptocurrency news , please feel free to share with Steemit ~
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留下telegram id吧。
Hi meep ~ Nice to meet you.

You should be one of cookie monster's friends