為何內容農場總有人信 Why there are always people believing content farm?

in #cn7 years ago

內容農場的資訊往往誇張得非常假,又震驚十三億人,看了必定改變人生等…如何block 都老是常出現-煩。為呃點擊造假固然可恥,但大眾的like 和share 影響力可能超愈你想像。因為三人成虎,是有根據的。

Information in Content Farm site are usually very exaggerated, saying this is the 10 facts that you have to know etc. The thing that really piss me off is that no matter how many times I want to block them, they always appear, as there are always people like and share those content.


人是懶惰的,我們大腦的思考能力有限,不可能事事都反覆思考,才下定論。譬如說,有個新廣告,推介新出的健康飲料如何口味清新,你應該不會反覆思量,徹查每一個成份,去決定到底他的口味是不是清新才購買吧?我們很多時用一個很直接的捷徑,就是有多容易去想像這件事,就決定它有多真實。類似的資訊重複出現,例如廣告、content farm等等,就為我們大䐉提供了一個方便的捷徑。Availability heuristics 就正正在說明這個情況。假如我做一個實驗: 叫人看一堆包含人名的文章(例如: 小明去了買菜;大文去了開車),然後過幾天再回答一些問題 (誰人去了食飯?),文章有出現過的人名,比沒有出現過的人名,更容易成為答案。原因就只是那些名字有印象。

People are basically lazy, or should I say trying to manage recourses efficiently. We have limited cognitive resources, we simply cannot think everything thoroughly before making a decision. Will you investigate all the ingredients or think over and over the regardubg tge credibility of an advert before purchasing a new to market soft drink? Most of the time, we use a short-cut to make decision, which is the availability of the incident in our memory, to determine whether something is true. So, if a piece of information repeatedly appear, for example a fake news, or an idea that the new drink is fab, the short-cut is building in your mind that they are true. This is what Availability Heuristics is suggesting. If we do an experiment, such as ask people to read what people have done over past days, and you ask them about it a few days later with a bunch of activities that those people did not do, those names they saw a few days ago are still more likely to appear in their answers. Its because those names are in their impression.

美國曾經有一單冤案,盤問者問疑犯:「你能夠回想起用𠝹刀殺他的情況吧?你𠝹了喉嚨。」,嫌疑犯回答:「我好像記得做過這樣的事情,我指的是,我正在想像自己做這樣的事情,記憶好像回來了。」來來回回,反反覆覆這樣的對話中,盤問者不停地提供一些情節,令到嫌疑犯很容易想像凶案現場發生的事,最後「招認」了。這就是發生在1973年的Peter Reilly 事件。同樣地,你看了一篇文章,當下你可以覺得是錯的,但只要你重複接觸這些資訊,你的大腦大約對這些有印象時,你的決定/行為,可能已綞被潛移物化。

The case of Peter Reilly in America back in 1973, police/authority was trying to suggest the crime scene too much for the accused that made him “remember” the crime, and confessed. He immediately regretted and rejected his own testimony. This case is a good proof that memory can be implant to a certain extent.

總而言之:別把重複出現的資訊,就當成真理。真理是靠反覆考究所得出來的,不是你容易想像得到,就是對的。 別人說的東西,要多加思索,才好相信。 一句到尾,花多點時間和精神思考 。如資訊可疑,別like 和share,別令你的朋友掉到陷阱!

In Sum, do not see repeatedly appear information as truth. Truth is only when an information has been confirmed base on science or facts, not something they appear in your mind!

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對呀, 很多時其實, 5人説一次也夠了


對呀, 其實steemit 也不少....


批判精神在現今社會超重要, 可惜.....


lydia 說只要給她50 SP, 就會給我5 BTC, 跟10張她自拍照(會令鼻子有紅色液體流出來那些), 電腦現在好了, 妳什麼時候方便? XDD


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