Our Pet Hamster
Our Pet Hamster
Here is a picture of our hamster. His name is Hammy, and his favorite food is mealworm and carrots.
Hamster & Other Rodent Care
Tip 1
Protein is very important; however, believe it or not, too much protein can hurt the liver. This information also applies to animals, as well. So, it is better not to give more than 3 or 4 mealworms a day to a hamster.
단백질은 매우 중요합니다. 하지만, 놀랍게도, 너무나 많은 단백질을 먹여주면 간을 해칠 수 있습니다. 그래서, 햄스터에게 하루에 mealworm 3~4마리만 주면 충분합니다.
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wow! cutie hamster you got. inever tried to own one but some of my friends does 😊
These animals are sleepy during the day, and extremely active at night. They like to run in their wheel and it is so noisy, but very cute to watch!
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맨 처음에 저도 햄스터를 살까 고민했었는데 고슴도치가 햄스터보다 수명이 길고 더 귀여운 것 같아서 고슴도치를 샀어요 저희 집 고슴도치도 밀웜을 엄청 좋아하는데 밀웜을 많이 주면 소동물한테는 안 좋을 수도 있군요 너무 많이 주지 말아야겠아요 그나저나 고슴도치와는 또 다른 매력이 있어보이네요
Nice but I do not like some hamster going inside my pants or clothes >o<
That worm I think is from a bamboo tree.
It could be. But mealworm is a hamster's favorite food!
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