Court Ordered discovery of Benghazi Scandal in which top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap will now have to answer JW's written questions under oath. Clinton email evidence and obstruction!

in #clintonemails6 years ago (edited)

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I covered this last week in a rundown of the OIG report.
See update at bottom of article right above sources. Thank you Trish Anderson for this Key Share as seen on MeWe!

IMPORTANT to see a Key Update from Great Guardian Trish Anderson scroll to bottom above sources.

People in top leadership positions of the FBI knew all along there were Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop, but kept dropping the ball and trying to lay blame at the feet of the Southern District of New York Dept.

Their pat answer for Every one of them was . . ."I don't recall!"

Evidence abounds in the OIG report in which McCabe, Comey and many others were deceptive and caught entangled in their numerous lies.

They KNEW, but the ground work had already been laid and deals made in that Tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. Comey needed a follow through and was counting on Hillary winning to continue the cover-up!

The bottom line is they Didn't want to do Their Job they are Paid to do by We the People! It wouldn't Serve their own agenda to check into this list of

**Hillary Clinton Representatives, former staff, and government agencies from which “email repositories were obtained.”

This is the list from the Court Ordered discovery of Benghazi Scandal in which top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap — will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath.

I will list the people below the following explanation,

The court rejected the DOJ and State Department’s objections to Judicial Watch’s court-ordered discovery plan. (The court, in ordering a discovery plan last month, ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”)

This is What they were seeking to answer,

  • Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system;

  • whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

  • whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

Now this took place back in January of 2019 and we find,

Discovery is scheduled to be completed within 120 days. The court will hold a post-discovery hearing to determine if Judicial Watch may also depose additional witnesses, including Clinton and her former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills.

As stated in Judicial Watch,

Judge Lamberth ordered written responses under oath to Judicial Watch’s questions from Obama administration senior officials Rice, Rhodes and Sullivan, and former FBI official Priestap. Rice and Rhodes will answer interrogatories under oath on the Benghazi scandal. Rejecting the State and Justice Department objections to discovery on the infamous Benghazi talking points, Judge Lamberth reiterated:

Yet Rice’s talking points and State’s understanding of the attack play an unavoidably central role in this case: information about the points’ development and content, as well as their discussion and dissemination before and after Rice’s appearances could reveal unsearched, relevant records; State’s role in the points’ content and development could shed light on Clinton’s motives for shielding her emails from FOIA requesters or on State’s reluctance to search her emails.

Judicial Watch also may serve interrogatories on Monica Hanley, a former staff member in the State Department’s Office of the Secretary, and on Lauren Jiloty, Clinton’s former special assistant.

According to Lamberth’s order, regarding whether Clinton’s private email use while Secretary of State was an intentional attempt to evade FOIA, Judicial Watch may depose:

  • Eric Boswell, the former Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security.… Boswell’s March 2009 memo to Mills … discusses security risks Clinton’s Blackberry use posed more generally. And Boswell personally discussed the memo with Clinton. So, he plainly has relevant information about that conversation and about his general knowledge of Clinton’s email use. Judicial Watch may depose Boswell.

  • Justin Cooper. the Clinton Foundation employee who created the server. In its proposal, Judicial Watch noted Cooper’s prior congressional testimony “appears to contradict portions of the testimony provided by Huma Abedin in the case before Judge Sullivan.” … Cooper repeatedly told Congress that Abedin helped set-up the Clintons’ private server, e.g., Examining Preservation of State Department Federal Records: [before a Congressional hearing] Abedin testified under oath she did not know about the server until six years later.… Judicial Watch may depose Cooper.

  • Clarence Finney, the former deputy director of State’s Executive Secretariat staff…. This case’s questions hinge on what specific State employees knew and when they knew it. As the principal advisor and records management expert responsible for controlling Clinton’s official correspondence and records, Finney’s knowledge is particularly relevant. And especially given the concerns about government misconduct that prompted this discovery, Judicial Watch’s ability to take his direct testimony and ask follow-up questions is critical.

For more information go here,

list from the Court Ordered discovery of Benghazi Scandal in which top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap

  • Bryan Pagliano

  • Cheryl Mills

  • Executive Office of the President [Emphasis added]

  • Heather Samuelson

  • Jacob Sullivan

  • Justin Cooper

  • United States Department of State

  • United States Secret Service

  • Williams & Connolly LLP

We have seen these names in several documents that have been analyzed and Q has pointed at many of these individuals.

They also appeared in these documents I recently scoured in the OIG report and what they were up to is Very Telling!

The following found on page 89 of OIG report

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To see more evidence of what these top officials in the FBI tried to hide along with their obvious obstruction and lying you can go here. This is fully sourced including a link to the original report and highlights of their criminal behavior broken down with screenshots and page numbers.


page 93 of OIG report,

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consistent with notes this prosecutor took at a meeting on October 27,
2016, that the only reason the FBI later obtained the Weiner laptop was because “it
had ended up in our laps.” We describe this issue further in Chapters Nine, Ten, and Eleven.

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Evidence they Knew there were classified emails and they Should have done their job from Page 96, but Refused!

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Didn't want too much work to wade through. Isn't that Their JOB!
The SSA admitted it would have been the logical next step. Ya think?

How did they get their positions? Oh, that's right, they were appointed, by whom? I think we answer some of the basic questions and stay away from the distractions and fray, it becomes Glaringly Clear who the corruptors, Obstructionists and orchestrators are!

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No electronic record exists of the case agent’s initial review of the Weiner laptop. The
case agent told us that at some point in mid-October 2016 the NYO ASAC instructed the case agent to
wipe his work station.

Why do You suppose they asked the case agent to Wipe It?

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So the Supervisory Special Agent stated. . .that he specifically recalled the case agent mentioning
domain names associated with Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and possibly
Clinton for President. The SSA also recalled the case agent telling him “early on”
that there were “hundreds of thousands” of emails.

The case agent and SSA told
us that because the search warrant for the laptop was limited to child exploitation

From page 275

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A post

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From page 277 of the OIG report,

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Just Look how many had been discovered and this Info has been out since the summer of 2018 and they were Reporting this facts on MSM? They were only concerned about lies they had trumped up through a Faked Dossier And FISA requests with Faked evidence from said Faked Dossier.

All Faked so they could attempt to justify Shirking Their responsibility of investigating a woman Proven to be Their ally by their Own words as evidenced in All of those Strozk and Page emails which are also covered in the steemit article on the OIG analysis.

Now you will see evidence of McCabe trying to lie his way out of knowing, but just check this one out,

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There are places in that OIG report where they Admit they were too busy with "Russia Collusion" which we All have a Mountain of evidence had zero basis and was developed from a false investigation and made up allegations.

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Pointer after Pointer of What they were Really trying to cover up.. . CF and child sex crimes!

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This section from page 294 of the OIG Report blown up. How could Comey Not remember something involving the harm of children?

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Recently did this and will be Continuing in a youtube report coming soon. It will be backed up with sources and evidence.

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ALL of this "virtue signaling" by MSM when the ones investigating ARE the corruptors! It's just like Joris Demmink! The criminals Investigating THEMSELVES! Preposterous. ..Guess how often it has been done Worldwide due to Global Government corruption? They have their Institutions who Also consistently "virtue signal" about human rights abuses and They ARE the abusers in many cases!

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And Finally, the Big Question. . .They have been and still are many who get discouraged even though the White Hats and Patriots are trying to take down Centuries Old, entrenched crime virtually in Every Institution at upper levels World Wide! Not an easy task, ducks Must be in a row otherwise high powered elitist attorney's swoop in and let these how powered criminals off with a loophole as They have written laws to Protect Themselves! They are for Them NOT We the People!

Why aren't they Behind Bars NOW, this very second? We have MORE than enough evidence. Have YOU read it all?

Literally Done Right under the noses of the General Population!

This is all from one long post I have enlarged so you can read it better. In between I will drop connector article links and info. All KEY!

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Wrote about Josh Cambell and many of these other corruptors last year or so.

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More to come as I said before I will be dropping more of my notes and analysis in an upcoming youtube report.

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Here are some I did recently.

First report here,

Truth about Weiner laptop and what was on it, how people kept it hidden! OIG analysis, evidence.

More info here,

Truth about the emails what's really inside, how those fired and other corruptors kept it hidden

Thank you Great Guardian Trish Anderson for sharing this Key Link and footage!
I have transcribed much of this below.

So sad some of these father's and mother's never knew what happened!

They were sending missiles through Libya to Syria Through Benghazi! No Wonder they did all they could to ConCeal (conseal it)!

Will dig up Benghazi articles for comments!

Osama bin Laden Hidden in Iran?

A congressman speaking about Holding Off on killing Osama for. . .?

Direct orders Not to take body back home?

Throw body parts over mountains?

John Brennan being director and a professed muslim would have know this is Not how burial is done.

$152 billion to Not Release info?
$2 billion in cash sent from America to Iran recorded on audio to go back to the politicians to keep their mouths shut!

Who all were recipients of the dirty money?

Clinton Foundation, McCain Institute?

Credible sources and operatives confirming.
High ranking General confirmed to Charles Woods?

A Haman moment as our military men were Not protected?

Do people want to know the Truth?
Is THIS just one of the treasonous acts they didn't want coming out?
Is this WHY they despise Trump so much because they Know he can't be bribed or shushed?

Pray, share, ask for God to Open People's Eyes!

How did whistleblower get the info?
He was a Falcon Trainer
Working in the Middle East for over 20 years with high level connections.
He has to blend in, the Obama Admin is aware of him.

Majority of phone calls have Allen on the phone with high level agencies.
A double agent provided DNA to a C_a station chief, that it was Bin Laden in Abbottabad
Then they sent in Seal Team 6 and they only told Obama about Seal Team 6 the Kill Mission After it was over, then the radar was put up so they could not go back.
It was a one way trip. They have witnesses who say that Hillary and Panetta were threatening Obama that if he didn't go along with the kill mission, they would go to the press and he would not survive politically.
That is when they pulled him off the golf course when it was over.
The whistleblower states. ..Hillary Clinton, John Brennan and
Leon Panetta who was. ..

Secretary of Defense, Director of the CIA, White House Chief of Staff, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and as a U.S. Representative from California.

Seal Team 6 killed Osama's double or a decoy based on one of the wives who screamed that is why they didn't save the body horribly threw the body parts over the mountain (once again a disrespectful burial in this culture) and John Brennan told everybody to lie.

These people are Sick!
There are claims that Obama found out when it was too late to know.
Seal Team 6 were already on their way when Obama found out and Clinton wanted this raid done.
They had a feeling that Obama was going to say no to it, it has been said there is possibly some kind of blackmail there.

The Department of State sent these guys out and they told Obama later.
Obama briefed after mission had already begun?

Hillary and Brennan had orchestrated mission.
Were they double crossed by Iran, when they pulled Osama out?

Created a massive problem for them with Seal Team 6 and everyone celebrating in front of the White House?

Is this a Movie? Oh yeah! All the World's a stage, sadly doesn't mean people don't get hurt!

Then the Iranians, since they knew. ..they wanted to be Paid Up?

Osama was being heavily protected for years, some feel it was a "trophy kill" to get Obama re-elected as they could have taken him out at any time as they were aware where he was.

Allen Parrot gives a great deal of evidence.

The Michael Dade Project | BOMBSHELL | CIA Whistleblower | Implicating Obama, Biden, & Clinton

To learn more info on the Biden Corruption crime trail go here
Under 7 min. Set to Spectacular Music and all Verified Sources included a Must See

More info on how his son in law along with the Biden family set to profit off of pandemic here

To see the Big Picture in Under 13 (how do you like that. Trump their 13 elitist, controlling families) go here,


A previous Dive I did on Brennan here

If you scroll down through here, you will find more background history of Libya which also involves one of the Seagram fortune daughters (of NEXIVM fame) and her husband Basit Igtet. . .how he and others Hillary knew all stood to profit on topping this government!


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