The Weiner Philes - Crooked Hillary and Malingering McCain
I'm not sure why, but this thought just assembled itself in my mind...
Anthony, "The 'Phile," Weiner's laptop was confiscated some time ago, right? Missing Clinton emails were on it because of the marriage between The 'Phile and longtime Clinton confidant, Huma Abedin.
The emails are probably from among the 30-odd-thousand emails she claimed to have erased because they were "immaterial to the investigation" of her use of illegal, private servers during her time as Secretary of State.
It was not her place to erase anything: the mistreatment and destruction of evidence itself is patently illegal. So that's at least two real, definite, provable, and necessarily punishable offenses - serious offenses - that Clinton has committed and must therefore be tried. Prosecution or no, it shows, if nothing else, that she is willing to engage in illegal behaviors - voluntarily - and later choose to lie about and destroy evidence of those behaviors. So we know the kind of person she is.
A private person has every right to attempt and fail to hurl himself entirely down the memory hole, but not public representatives, and certainly not in the course of their duties. When you work in government, the people - we, the motherfucking people - are your boss. It is not the other way around. You work for us. We elected you. We employ you. We will remove you if you fail to do your job. We will make sure the same system that punishes us punishes you equally if you commit a crime, because no one is above scrutiny. That is what America is supposed to represent: the integrity inherent to equality.
In a democratic republic, there is no greater honor than to be chosen by people to represent them. When Obama got elected to represent us, he appointed the most wretched, treacherous serpent to Secretary of State. This snake thinks it's so far above all of us when the truth is the relationship fits the very definition of "parasitic." Parasites are not above us. Parasites are above no one. What - you disingenuous flatterers thought hierarchy was a tower? Ha ha ha...
Well, to be fair, I guess it makes sense that if your mind is as twisted as it has to be to actually desire power instead of mastery, you would see an arch - technically a crooked structure - as a straight line. No, you're not at the top; you're at the other side of the bottom; another bum looking for a handout. You're all just fancier, but still living off my labor. A true representative is as heroic as any other soldier on the front line.
Anyway... so Clinton's emails were on the laptop. Then for some reason the idea popped into my head that Arizona senator McCain is dying of brain cancer, right?
What if he's really... not... dying? What if there is incriminating evidence in those emails? What if they're about to be released and people would want to tear him apart if they knew what was in them? What if he's trying to make it so he won't be pursued - as he makes his way to Gibsmedat Gulch.
Just something to think about. How many other politicians are about to develop terminal illnesses?
@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.