The MSM’s Fair & Unbiased Coverage on Climate Change.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t go a single day without seeing a msm headline pushing the fears of climate change/global warming. So I decided to snap some screenshot some search results this morning.
Just to show the one-sided reporting of the mainstream media. I think it’s clear that there’s a biased narrative being pushed here.
Now for me, I haven’t trusted the msm for nearly a decade. Due to the fact that A. They have been caught lying/creating fake stories. B. It’s legal for them to lie and push propaganda. C. All of the mainstream media is owed by just 5 corporations.
Here’s a prime example of the media control in the video below.
“Economic factors may take some spring out of the Easter bunny’s step this year”
Whenever I see the msm pushing an issue hard. I know I need to run the opposite direction. Do my research and counter their narrative as best I can. I have written many steemit posts on the climate change issue, with lots of great information, and I’ll link them at the end of this post.
Search Term: “Global Warming”

Search Term: “Climate Change”

First ever audit of global temperature data finds freezing tropical islands, boiling towns, boats on land
look you’re entitled to believe whatever you want or whatever they tell you. Or you can do your due diligence and research the issues. The fact of the matter is, the media is talking non-stop about globalwarming/climate change, governments are talking non-stop about globalwarming/climate change. Neither of these are credible sources for honesty, and go hand in hand in pushing propaganda.
Ask yourself why are they pushing this doom and gloom over climate? Well its UN Agenda2030.
What is Agenda 2030, it’s for the complete control and surveillance of all humanity. It’s about technocracy and depopulation and the transference of economic power and wealth under a globalized one world governance. It’s a lot more than that even, I recommended you go and watch videos I linked below.
Before I wrap this up I’d like to say that the alternative media isn’t much of an alternative at all. I would say that most of the alternative media is controlled opposition. That will lead you into their honey pot traps. So it’s extremely important to just do as much of your own research as you can. And take everything you read with a grain of salt.
Thanks for stopping by
Videos to watch
“Proselytizing the global warming religion”
“Planned-opolis and 3 other senarios (Agenda 2030 programming)”
“What Is Sustainable Development?”
“Behind the Green Mask Agenda 21 Rosa Koire”
“Orwell's Nightmare: Temperature Adjustments and Climate Change” was
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Great article @venomnymous!
They are sure indeed pushing that narrative.
The reason there is 5 major corporations who own all the media is because any fewer and you wouldn't have the illusion that you can change the channel.
The guys talking about grand solar minimum, and mini-ice-age seem to have their predictions coming true. on point, on schedule.
The climate change people seem to be wronger than your average weather man.
So, why the push?
There hasn't been any big plans to "do something" about climate change except for tax the people more.
Maybe chemtrails?
But, they sure are pushing.
It’s interesting you mentioned chemtrails for its been my theory that they will use that geoegineering as their explaination for the cooling.
The timing of says a lot.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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The climate is changing but has nothing to do with CO2 levels - these guys are true climate science (and they predict earthquakes)
Thanks for sharing. I’ll check them out when I get a second.