Slave Labor in California | ill-concieved GREEN LAWS on the common man as A Microcosm of Cap/Trade Energy LawssteemCreated with Sketch.

This story below of Truck Drivers servicing Southern California ports is a microcosm of what could have happened to the United States as a whole, had the Democrats been on for another four years and signed us up to the Paris Accord this year.

Recently, Donald J. Trump, my 45th President of the United States, rejected signing the Paris Accord treaty. This Paris Accord treaty is a worldwide treaty/law attempting to limit greenhouse gases and carbon emissions across the entire world. It was a way for the world to slow down or stop "global warming" or the newer meme term "climate change".

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The Paris Accord was not in the best interest of the US or the World. It heavily favored the rest of the world continuing to build up their emissions for another 20 years. It did not provide safeguards for improving emissions in other countries. It just gave them the carte blanche green light for third world countries to pollute away. Meanwhile, the US would have to immediately cut its carbon footprint. The coal industry in this country would have been decimated by 80 percent or more. Iron, steel and other manufacturing plants still left in the US would immediately leave in favor of the no holds barred pollution OK this Paris Accord would have provided in China. India etc.. This is despite the fact that the US has much cleaner burning emission systems in our power plants,

The logic is that the US is too successful. We produce as much as 25 percent of the carbon footprint for the entire world. Therefore, we should be taxed the most. This Accord would have immediately put our industry at a severe disadvantage and caused hardship to the common man in the form of taxes to electricity, taxes to gasoline, taxes on propane, taxes on wood burning stoves, etc. It would essentially cause the common man to become indentured to the Elites for breathing!

Years ago, I bought into the Al Gore "Inconvenient Truth."

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This movie talks about the impact of runaway greenhouse gases on the planet. It demonstrates that Greenland may melt and lift the sea levels worldwide as much as 25 feet, which would put much of the eastern seaboard under water including most of peninsular Florida.

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Not debating on whether there may be some truth to it. When I lived in FL I always had weird nightmares, including hurricanes and nuclear war. Growing up in Tampa, FL - I was not the only one. Quite a few of my friends got this same vibe and left the State. Awake people build consensus. Also in 2008, the State made it mandatory for land elevations, previously etched in stone, to have to be re-surveyed every two years for waterfront properties. Almost in response to this movie...

Their plan to scare the public worked. You know, "Higalean Dialect" - create a problem, mass reaction, offer a solution. Their "solution" is the "cap and trade" plan. Ties in just perfectly with the AGENDA21 UN plan. It is nothing more than the Elite taxing the common man to death for breathing, using electricity, using gasoline, etc. When you read the article below: "RIGGED: FORCED INTO DEBT. WORKED PASSED EXHAUSTION. LEFT WITH NOTHING." - it paints a dangerous parallel to what the elite would have for the common US worker under the Paris Accord.

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The Cap and Trade plan allows big polluters to go on polluting if they have the appropriate "permissions". This is sort of like the Catholic Church granting "indulgences".

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What many people don't realize is that Blood and Gore (Al Gore's company) will be on the ground floor of spearheading the control of "carbon taxes" for the entire world. Talk about a bait and switch! So not only does he get a "get out of jail free" card, he makes a profit on the misery of the rest of the world. And they don't really get into where this money actually goes mind you, its just for us to understand that if WE use energy, WE will get taxed.

With all the worldwide corruption, the take away is that large multi-national Corporations would essentially end up being "above the law". The common man or mom and pop companies would bear the full brunt of the climate accord and be taxed essentially into slavery. This is how the Deep State plans to finance the "new world order" and have the rest of the plebs in the world working and looking like something out of the Hunger Games.

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Here is a neat article that mirrors my ideas on the topic by someone way more involved in the climate scene - therefore quite a bit more credible:


LA - 2010
Almost 80 percent of all goods from the east (China, Japan, Taiwan) are imported through two ports - the port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. Large corporations make bulk agreements with transport companies to ship these shipping containers all over the country. These transport companies are often bidding on large projects with very little margin.

For years one of the niche industries was small truckers who own their own rigs. They were able to come to the dock and do short drive and drop transports of shipping containers to local warehouses. They were not top of the line trucks but they made the project affordable for everyone, including the transport companies.

IN COMES THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, some hi falluting Senators pushing pens and probably with cushy government jobs making 100K a year and needing to prove to the voters that that they are doing something. And since the place is crawling with LIBERALS, of course we know green laws are quite popular.

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So they make a law that the vehicles that are transporting these goods must be new, high tech, and must have safety features. This essentially forced all of these truck drivers to get rid of their rigs that they owned outright and go to new rigs that they could not afford. Who it did NOT impact: The Globalist Multi-National Corporations.

The transport companies suddenly were penned between a rock and a hard place. They were stuck with probably long-term contracts where they HAD to transport the goods, and a bunch of freelancers willing to work but now with no equipment. This forced the transport companies (already on probably a thin margin) to have to put out lots of money to purchase rigs up front so their contractors could continue to work. Many transport companies took the existing trucks from the workers as down payment for new rigs. Now all these contractors are suddenly into debt for $100,000 or more, but having no choice, they signed some pretty predatory agreements. Many agreed on five year plans to pay them back.
After all costs are calculated, these workers are working for free and are being taxed to death. They work back to back 20 hour work days and still never catch up. If they miss time to bury a loved one or get sick, they are taken off the job, their trucks are confiscated, and they have nothing to show for paying for years on a truck.

If the cost of "cap and trade" fell in the US worker, we as Americans could have expected the same outcome as these poor truck drivers. While this particular article is rough on the trucking companies, the issue is really systemic. The middle man in the Paris Accord would end up just like these trucking companies - engaging in predatory lending practices. We as the truckers would be forced to take whatever we could get just to survive. No thank you!

THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP, for backing out of the Paris Accords!

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Here is the story of the LA Truckers:

Here is a better plan,

HOW ABOUT quit killing the scientists and burying the technology for FREE ENERGY.


Inventors that have died "mysteriously" or were run out on a rail:

  1. Most important - Nicola Tesla. The original creator of free energy. Died a pauper after inventing: wifi, spark plugs, electric motors, AC electricity, radio (falsely attributed to Marconi) and free energy. Not to mention all the laser weapons, HAARP and many other inventions that have been submerged by the deep state.

More recent inventors that have died mysteriously include Aries M. DeGeus, Dimitri Petronov, Eugene Mallove, Stan Meyers and Howard “Rory” Johnson. Greyhound Bus Lines witnessed Johnson's working prototype of a motor that required no fossil fuels and wanted to test it on their buses. Rory Johnson suddenly died of unknown causes while he was in great health – just like the 3 inventors working on the Thorium Plasma Batteries. Clearly there is some foul play involved.

Same with many cancer cures. They have had the cure for cancers since the mid-20th century. Big Pharma makes more money on cancer treatments than war and oil combined. Do you really think they will give that up? Do you really think that these Climate Change fixes and /or Agenda 21 plans have any good news for the common man? Think again.

If the Elite have their way, we will live very short and painful lives, and the life extension technologies will be reserved for the few. Fight it with all you have.


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