Green finance monopolizing the planet?

in #climate3 years ago


This could be one the most forward-leaning and insight-filled interviews I have ever heard… JAMES CORBETT interviewing WHITNEY WEBB on the matter of how “green” finance and the global central bankers are setting themselves up to fully financialize nature, along the way to laying claim to its resources and pulling the planetary rug right out from under the feet of hopelessly distracted and uncomprehending humanity.

Even if you are not familiar yet with the subject, pay attention because this is “BIG DEAL” shit.

The tight hour-long interview is full of recent post-COP26 developments and things that I myself am not fully up to speed on yet… but if you have an eye for patterns, you will see that what they are pointing to is a future that should have by now grown increasingly familiar to you, although this pattern is even more perilous and ominous than the one we inhabit today.

I have said many times how the Covid scamdemic was global tyranny’s play for all the marbles… but in fact, it was just a play for all the “human” marbles. What comes after that is an even more pernicious play for all the “earthly” marbles.

Whereas with Covid, we saw tyranny operating in cahoots with the biopharma-surveillance-digital identity industries, in this next chapter, we will see the now expanded and jacked-up tyranny operating in cahoots with its legions of accomplices on Wall Street and in the Central Banking capitals of the world to essentially steal all that which has been up till now always been held in the public trust… as part of the public COMMONS; i.e., the water, the land, the air, and the great Earth itself.

Just like they came for you with Covid, by instilling you with the mind-destroying fear that YOU (or your loved ones) will likely DIE, this time they have come to tell us again how we all will ALL die this time because the earth is doomed, and threatened by terrifying “CLIMATE CHANGE” - unless we once again do exactly as they tell us to do, so that WE stay distracted while THEY take the necessary steps to achieve the full digital monetization of nature’s resources so that they can generate untold trillions off of them, while you and I are completely deprived of them... because we will no longer NEED them as we will be living in little boxes on top of each other with our bodies sick and our brains jacked into virtual reality while we munch on dipped crickets.

It won’t be long before we really do own nothing, at which point, we will have no choice but to subsist on the tyranny’s largesse and to essentially become their slaves. (If at this point, you think this some fringy conspiracy theory, your brains have either been stolen from you or just left to rot.)

In terms of where this particular “green” $hift finds us on the longer timeline, I guess we are at the point where the most pressing question is whether or not enough of us can possibly come to our senses and realize what’s happening to us in time to RESIST before the rest of the world, who we know have less than half a clue, fall into the inescapable trap of willingly surrendering themselves (and their families + children, mind you!) to tyranny’s totalitarian plan to depopulate the Earth - which in case you haven’t figured that out yet means basically exterminating you and your family and your kids and most of everybody else, and which thanks to recent highly-publicized and broadly worshipped biotechnology advances is already well on its way to happening.

And while this madness is going on, most of us are just standing around like it’s all gonna be OK. Well, it’s NOT. Who’s gonna make it OK? Joe Biden? Jeff Bezos? Bill Gates? James Bond?

I will tell you who’s going to make it ok. YOU are - or no one is. You are the last bastion of freedom. If you don’t do it, nobody will… And in our failing to do that, we will all be reduced to footnotes in some new "made-up" historical record that is already being written by the tyranny’s own court scribes.

You see one big problem is that the longer it takes for the mass of us to figure out what’s happening here, the harder it will be to do what’s necessary to correct it - because every hour that passes, we dig ourselves deeper into a hole of ignorance and so incrementally become an ever weaker opponent.

At that point, a whole bunch of weighty and confusing assumptions will have been set in place, each of which will make it even more difficult for us to see the way forward or to imagine how we might change course or to admit that we were wrong (and so course correct) or to understand literally ANYTHING of what is really going on out there in the real world, as opposed to inside the Matrix.

I don’t know… I’ve been trying to say it as best I can since March of last year… (and Corbett reiterates it here too) that THIS is the final battle really. Once haxxine passports are in place, it’s pretty much GAME OVER.

That is a substantial thought that in my mind calls for a brief time-out to reflect on the intrinsic VALUE of a single human life.

I am someone who was lucky enough to be born into a family of beautiful loving souls, who encouraged me to do whatever I felt was right and best… And I tried to do that and I tried not to disappoint them or my friends or my society... by my actions.

But we’re living in another world now - an inverted world where right is left and left is right and where might is assumed to be right too.

But now, far too many of us have also been slow-cooked and brain-scrubbed into believing whatever the fuck we are told by the approved “media.” Such an oppressive course cannot possibly end well.

The head of the CIA under Reagan, William J. Casey was famously quoted as saying that... “We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false.”

Well, that day is here and if we don’t wake up to it NOW and unite to create a strong and resilient heart-based resistance, then we will be very easily wiped away for good.

I have friends - good friends... who accuse me sometimes of being angry.

I understand how what I say can be disturbing to some people, but I don’t internalize it in that way and I feel that my sense of humor is stronger than it has ever been and that my mind has grown quicker to recognize a pattern and so to grab a connection.

I think they misunderstand me. I’m not angry; I’m rather fucking heartbroken.

People all around the world and especially poor and indigenous people everywhere are suffering the “culling” of the species more directly than we are - just as the Aboriginal people are at this moment in Australia.

Australia’s position overall is much worse compared to ours in the U.S.- even here in Commiefornia,… a much more aggressive campaign is being waged there against people, who 25 years ago gave up their right to bear arms.

It is truly insidious how the long game works and how adept tyranny’s forces are at holding its ground across generations and how inept we are at holding a fucking thought for longer than a week.

Look around us here… you and I and most of us hereabouts in online LaLa are just ordinary first world people, who in the process of going along, one day found ourselves in a new world disaster and having to deal with family and friends who suddenly felt the need to distance themselves from us on the basis of some heinous piece of bullshit propaganda narrative they heard on television.

And do you think that their now-cemented position is going to change anytime soon? If they’ve allowed themselves to be hypnotized for this long, what are the chances they will suddenly wake up tomorrow and go… “Gosh, you were right. What was I thinking? This Covid thing is crazy. Hey man, I love you. Hey Mom, I love you. Hey Dad, I love you. Hey Bro, hey Sis, I love you!"

Yeah, it’s crazy-making all right. It’s insidiously evil too, not to mention ugly AF!

We need to STOP it. We need to get back to LOVE; we need to get back to each other; we need to get back to the garden and keep BlackRock, Big Pharma and the Bank of International Settlements from taking legal possession of our bodies, our DNA and the verdant and plentiful earth on which we stand and from which we were born.

It’s all too much like an apocalyptic new chapter to the Bible, except it’s happening right now and in deadly real time.

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