Forests are net carbon emitters according to UNESCO.
Am I the only one left who hasn’t taken the UN brand of crazy pills?
The headline says, "Forests have become net carbon emitters,” The first sentence says,”Forests… have become net carbon sources… due to… climate change… according to a… study.”
Buried in the bafflegab is “researchers contended that … forests … absorbed more carbon than they emitted…” Thank you, UN, for passing grade 6 biology. The word is “Photosynthesis”. Soon the UN will declare that word unspeakable and algorithms will use it to identify Climate Terrorists.
“Carbon”, in UN Baffle-speak, is carbon dioxide. In the presence of sunlight plants absorb carbon dioxide, breath it in. With CO2 and H2O and sunlight all plants make the sugars which plants need to grow and live and animals need for nourishment. All during daylight hours plants breath in and sequester the CO2 that animals “emit” and they secrete the byproduct. What’s this byproduct? OXYGEN.
But the UN says forests emit carbon because of climate change and this causes climate change and climate change is a CRISIS. In other news Australian cattle producers pointed out that if the government’s deadline for a low carbon society is adhered to they will have to shoot all their cattle to make the grade. The UN agenda seems straightforward: Since plants produce food that cattle eat to produce carbon we’ll have to stop eating meat and start eating only plants really quickly because plants EMIT carbon and give us Hurricanes. Cattle eating plants is not good enough. We’ll have to eat the grass and the bugs that live on it so we don’t get hurricanes.
Jennifer Laurence said it best when she said that Texas gets hurricanes because Texans voted for Trump and eat cattle so they emit Carbon and Nature is mighty peeved at Texas and this is “proved by science”.
This makes prefect sense to you because you take your daily dose of UN, IPCC, crazy pills. Me too. I’m going to stop breathing to save the planet any time now, I promise – we used to call that dying. It’s going to be a long tough job destroying the carbon cycle but we climate crisis believers are determined to do it. Along the way, of course, we’ll have to give up Certain Freedoms. Who will tell us what to do now that we have no right to do anything without orders from the top? Why, the UN of course.