Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! - #PropagandaWatch

in #climate6 years ago

As predicted, the IPCC has released their hot air report on 1.5C of global warming and the lamestream fake news lying establishment lapdog media is hyping it as the end of the world as we know it...unless you pay the globalists more money to atone for your carbon sins, of course. This week on #PropagandaWatch James breaks down the latest propaganda push for carbon eugenics and what it means for the coming technocratic slave state.


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It seems Corbett is very upset that this report might even convince some people that we need to do something substantial as to climate change. His fear gives me hope.

Top stuff James keep up the good work.

No. What he's worried about is that the masses will be mislead by this anthropogenic global warming claptrap into accepting a totalitarian global government.

You should check out James' report on how the average global temperature is 'crystal balled'...a real education.

You are correct this report is a political document , it gives the false impression that this planet could be saved. It can’t be saved read this scientific Page:

We're doomed, I tell you. DOOMED! Repent right now!

Well I started reading it but couldn't get beyond the illogical nonsense in the first paragraph. If it's man's industrial activity that 'drives climate change' what drove the "abrupt rise in global-average temperature about 252 million years ago?" If that killed off 90% of all biodiversity and a "similar or higher global-average temperature in the very near future" but Co2 had nothing to do with that previous cataclysmic event why on Earth are we fiddling while Rome burns (if you'll forgive the pun.) He then says its going to be an order of magnitude faster the the worst of all previous extinction events. So that's worse than being struck by a huge meteor or the whole Northern hemisphere falling into a rapid ice age. Pretty alarming stuff. And you think carbon taxes will avert that do you? It doesn't make much sense really does it?

No carbon taxes won’t stop it. Nothing can be done because the point of no return is far behind us.

As the SCAM continues don’t sheeple think before excepting some payed for mainstream scientists . Contradiction on top of contradiction yet no one notices . This is why the west is going to lose power , not because of outside sources . These are all self inflicted wounds . Great job Mr. Corbett 👏 👍 👊🏻

Some people, like James, believe the threat of climate change is a massive fraud, perpetrated by the globalists and oligarchs with profit in mind. Others feel that climate change is real and an existential threat to humankind. I think, as often happens, the truth lies somewhere in between these diametrically opposed arguments.

IMO, the globalists have known about the threat of climate change for decades. These people are in some cases, just plain evil. But they want to save their own skins as much as anyone. So they support carbon taxes, renewable energies, population-control, Agenda 21/30, and a one-world government because it's the only sustainable path for the future of humankind. To put it simply, the globalists want to rule the world in order to save the world. They know there's no point in ruling over a world that's no more.

Timshell83 are you just a Corbett troll? Do you understand what he’s saying? What if Corbett’s narrative is true? Is it really just a hit to your ego? Corbett thank you so much for putting so much time and effort into bringing this discussion to the table!!

I'm all for global warming. Don't see any downside. I plan to buy land in Canada, sell boats to New Yorkers and cut way down on my winter clothes.
Yay! Global Worming!

Every 100.000 years the climate changes. Humanity survived it every time en never before it was due to humanity. So why this time humanity is to blame?
The UN would do well to discuss how to help each other throught the change. Thinking at least 5 generations ahead and without money making the discissions.

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