Base jumping or how to jump off a cliff and land on their feet?

in #cliff8 years ago

What is comparable the level of adrenaline released into the bloodstream during free fall? Hard to describe, but even harder to understand the man who never jumped from a height greater than its growth.

There are many extreme Hobbies that give the opportunity to gradually move from a smaller level to greater complexity, becoming more experienced. However, there are some Hobbies where you can not first time to try with an instructor, at low speed, at low altitude or with a lot of insurance. These latter include base jumping! But about all under the order.

What is "base jumping" and who are "beysery"?

It's skydiving. That's just have to jump not from the aircraft and a fixed object a certain height. The name of this extreme class speaks for itself – BASE: Building – a building, Antenna – aerial, Span – overlapping (bridge), Earth – earth. People who want to jump just high, called basename or base jumpers.

Than base jumping is different from parachuting?

A high level of risk. Today skydiving as safe as possible, while jumping from buildings and such will never be because of small height: the base time for controlled flight and proper parachute deployment is very small, can not be said about the far more controlled parachuting.

What is the height of the jump? As time to open the parachute?

The minimum height of the jump in the base is 50 meters, the maximum is limited only by the height of the terrestrial object. For such conditions a regular parachute, which reveals at least 200 meters to the ground, is not suitable. For base jumping is a special parachute that opens for 15-40 meters before landing.

Why base jumping is the extreme sport?

Time of free fall from the height of 150 meters is about 7 seconds. This means that after 3-4 seconds after a jump you must take the correct position, so that the parachute had time to open up. To do this in such a short time is very difficult, and the probability of uncontrolled rotation is very high. Opening the parachute at the wrong position of the body, a base jumper risks entangled in its straps, which can lead to the same consequences as jumping without a parachute.

When did and how did base jumping?

The first jump from the ground object made of 1783, Louis-sébastien Lenormand from the tower of the Observatory, the city of Mobile, France. He was a scientist-a physicist and in no way was hoping to become the founder of a new sport. Louis is 14 years ahead of the first parachute jump from a balloon. Another "bascamp" was made only in 1912 with the statue of Liberty, but over the next 100 years, the number beyserov grew steadily and in 1980-ies became entertainment for lovers of great extreme.

How to become the best base jumper?

You must get a very great experience of skydiving, learn to manage, to feel your body, to cope with fear and to be prepared for the fact that at any moment things can go wrong. Repeated tragic consequences while jumping even the most experienced athletes. The best base jumper is the one who jumped from all four objects: building, antenna, the overlap (or bridge), earth (mountain). The best are included in the list, which was Carl Boenisch, the man who popularised base jumping and removing the jumps on camera. For a time he headed the rating, however, after the tragic death in 1984, there were new records. Today the list consists of more than thousand rooms.

What are the varieties of base jumping?

Quite a lot of them and they differ primarily in how the opening of the parachute. The simplest and most secure way is when he opened up to jump or revealed immediately after it. The most complex method is when beyser yourself open a parachute in the fall. An interesting variant of base jumping – wingsuit, which uses a special wing-suit that allows you to plan for the air flows up to 5 minutes.

Is it legal?

In the overwhelming number of countries – Yes. In contrast to the unauthorized penetration of the roof of many buildings!

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From experience, nothing compares to it. The feeling cannot be replicated in any other sport. This is why it can become addictive :-)