Urban Race Riots & Civil War!!!

in #civil5 years ago

FREE AT LAST”: Full-Fledged
Financed Funded Freedom From Foreigner Fighting Forces. Fraudulent faker “founding fathers” falsehoods, famous fictions, fallacies, and folklore fantasies. AMERICAS ORIGINAL-ONES, all awaken and arise on Easter Sunday, April….2020. We’s & Us’s understand that it is our one only responsibility to free ourselves, of obscene objectionable offenders, otherwise Officials of the State & Federal Government gangsters. Expressly, European Ethnic emigrants evilly evolved enemies empire of extremist executioners and economic =$$$ extortioners of exceptionalism. Exiting early Europe & Eurasia!! http://civil1guerrilla2racewar3.blogspot.com/
ADDITIONALLY: Beginning on “Good Friday” the….? Throughout Saturday, let us fast from foods and drink only free clean water. Eating no solid substances whatsoever. And on Easter Sunday, “We Shall Overcome” offending opponents in a Resurrection and Restoration. My Mastermind Melanin Messiah Movement, making ALL-ALPHA-AMERICAS ORIGINAL ONES, Great Again. Upon the South – Central – North American continental geographical land-locations.
As a mandated must, Melanin-More majority members, let go of the Melanin-Less minority members. Westerners who wanna wish we were warmonger whiteouts, wrongdoer whitewashed; “whites”, waging worldwide warfare, working with wizardry and wicked witchcraft. Particularly pearly pale pink pigmented personages, perceptibly Paleface-Pink-Skins. We are basic beauteous Brown-Skin Soul Sisters & Brothers. Entangled – entrapped – enslaved Ethnic entities each. Still slaves of some sick Sociopath Saxon sex slavers. Subdued and submissively serving sorcerers snake serpent seafaring sinking “slave-ship”, System SATAN!!!
NO NOT AT ALL IN THE MINUTEST LEAST: Do these Foreigners from oceans overseas abroad, out of subcontinental Europe, have a human right to reign and rule ruthlessly over us, AmeriOriginal-Ones. Ascendants of our ancient ancestors as aboriginals and American-Aborigines. I am talking all about, commonly called classified Caucasians (Cauc-Asians), characterized cold climate Caucasus caves; “cannibalistic crawling creatures”, categorized Caucasoid-s.
URBAN RACE RIOTS & CIVIL WAR: Shall surely catch them by sudden surprise and off guard off balance and unstable. This is the precise planned time to truly take complete charge of or over our own selves and lives. Break back down the physical and mental bars of slavery, leaving the private prison plantations, of free or cheap labor and low pay grades. Refuse to cooperate with wanna-be “white cops” and Paleface Pink pigmented police patrols psychopaths. Decline to comply with any of their orders and commands. Basically, because We Are At War!!!

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