Dark Clouds above the city
Two years ago in summer, i visited a music festival in Linz at the Donaupark in the afternoon, when the festival was over i headed to the main place in Linz and found this wonderfule scene of these threatening clouds. So i decided to do a longtime exposure shot of the scene to get rid of all the people walking around at this time. I still have some people in the picture because some where sitting on the pavement or didn't move enough to blur out. But at least i captured this pretty nice dark cloud scene above the plague column.
Because of the lack of direct sunlight the picture is pretty interesting i think. I like this combination of "Worlds end situatioin" and this calm place without any people or cars ruining the scene. This makes me think of taking more pictures just before or after a rain shower, because of the great light you get.
Love skys like that.