Massive Inter-dimesnional & FLying Cities Exist! HOLY FUCK!
Pleadians _ star society bases -Channeling 5-17-018
hmmm they say they have bases all over your planet .... we put them in various places for various reasons that we deem important of course we can move them. as when u have mult-dimesnional tech its possible 2 teleport even entire cities. your stargate atlantis series is a prime example of this when the entire city getting towards the end of the series levitated out of the water. it also went there in the show from another place. but dont listein 2 us listein 2 whoever u want listein 2 ur heart dear ones!
You can find these if it resonantes you are positive most of all and wish co-create a better universe spectrum with all of us! Of course there some that have been and here still here for many other reasons just as you are! Nothing 2 fear! 4 we are eternal! You will need to come into your power as society and civilization and take responsibility for your local part of the galaxy and the universe. Ultimately though you may want to realise it is not nessary 2 kill other beings 2 defend yourself. We understand defense combat can be every exhilarating and many of you hold the memories of this within your dna and soul and past lives.
The best way 2 stop your "eneimes" which of course are another aspect of us of all that is or prime creator.
Prime creator or the 13th dimensional universe /multi-verse overseer realm really does love you as we all where created out of love! For do you not create things in your most exicited and happiest state when it is truely something you love and enjoy!? We where all created in a quite fairly most high vibrational frequency spectrum of being & existence. From another realm that went threw there own ascension and graduation out of physcality.
We don't even know where fully for the most part everything or how the one's who created all of us came about or there creators. You don't need to know everything to be happy.
We all will know more and figure more out about the existence of all that is threw our vibraitonal frequency raising. As you are gifted more knlowedge and abilites if creator see's that you will most likely use your dear beautiful gifts for the betterment of all instead of. Egoic mentalities of whats in it for me. With perhaps not much care for other beings.