Q&A #1

Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
A: I don’t have a favorite, not yet. I feel as though the accomplishment that I’ll be most proud of is when my craft is loved by millions.

Q: What has been your greatest challenge?
A: Regaining my self confidence. I was teased about my hair… even my clothes, when I was younger. I mean, I thought I looked nice, but the people I called ‘friends’ thought differently. I’m slowly overcoming this challenge though.

Q: What do wish you'd done differently?
A: Letting myself believe my haters. I shouldn’t have believed what they said, that's in the past now.

Q: Who has the past the strongest influence on your life? Why?
A: My followers, My family, Gaming and Music. They all matter so much to me. I love them all. They all give me inspiration and I wouldn’t be the same without them.

Q: What do you want to be remembered for?
A: My craft. Be it my music, my games… I want to remembered for it.

Q: What is your favorite song?
A: Oh god, I have so many favorite songs, it’s hard for me to choose one; but if I have to choose one, it’s going to be Fade Away by Logic.

Q: What do you like to do when home alone?
A: Same stuff I do when I’m not home alone; Eat, sleep, play video games, dance to music.

Q: What are your favorite foods?
A: Cheesecake, Pizza and Pastas.

Q: What do you like to watch when you have free time?
A: Anime, funny video compilations, gameplay and music videos.

Q: Do you play any instruments?
A: Yes, I play the bass, guitar and piano. I will like to learn the violin one day.


I would love to learn to play the violin, it is one of my most favorite instruments.
Way to open up and speak about yourself!!


Hey okay...how about adding some spice?! You know like pictures and gifs would help bring this _______ (fill in the blank). Sometimes we have to step aside from our work and become the viewer or in this case, the reader. How interested are you in something that skips pictures literally and figuratively speaking?

True! Put yourself in the "shoes" of the one you're trying to attract! It's a simple marketing strategy. 😎

Go for it! Ain't nothing to it, but to do it!😊💓💯

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