Crypto Asset Management Just Got Easier

in #cipherassets5 years ago

A new software is on its way to make crypto asset management more—well, more manageable.

As more and more people are going into the digitization of everything, so does the need for the Internet of Things (IoT). Everything is connected to the Internet: phones, refrigerators, houses, your neighbor’s dog. And now, even money. Recent cryptocurrency news have been hot and cold but experts and crypto watchers are noticing more interest for crypto asset investing—especially within the institutions. And crypto asset management is becoming an issue.

The problem comes in when techno dummies realize current crypto situation. It is volatile, it flows from multiple sources, and it requires too much attention. Some people find it intimidating because crypto asset management just isn’t suited for paperwork. The perfect solution for digital asset management is a specialized software. And Cipher Assets came up with something more accessible.

To get to know crypto assets a bit more , check out this video by BCSCInvestRight:

When Applications and Tools Took the World By Storm

The continuous development of applications has given so much functionality to the digital world. Never did experts expect that applications and platforms will take over our mobile phones and laptop. Nowadays, app stores are the norm. More and more platforms are making trading more mainstream.

Hailing taxi cabs no longer require you to put your thumb up outside. People are now shopping more and more online. Booking hotels and renting rooms are possible through apps. Also, scheduling appointments, or finding a date. Basically, all the small things of the past are made easy with applications. And they now have the ability to be part of financial markets creating faster execution and lower fees.

So, it makes perfect sense to have the things of the future handled by present day solutions. Since crypto assets deal with money, your digital asset management platform should only come from the best.

Crypto Asset Management Made Simple

Despite the amount of people joining, the cryptocurrency process is still much harder than traditional equities. Cryptocurrency news have always called out for the need of more software and community participation. And there have been lacking tools for crypto asset portfolios, crypto asset trading, tracing, and transferring.

Currently, new traders would have to find a wallet or an exchange desk to accept cryptocurrencies for trade. After finishing a multifaceted and long verification process, they realize they can only store a limited amount of crypto coins. In the end, they have to use various wallets and exchanges to hold a diversity of holdings.

While this process is manageable, the complexity still keeps a lot of people from trading. This is a common problem that most crypto experts recognize. The process intimidates people and it doesn’t attract new traders to jump in.

Cipher Assets is introducing a new tool to bridge that gap. Digital asset management can be handled by a single platform. It tracks all the accounting, all the buys and sells of a company, it alerts and updates shifting crypto assets. In response to the current cryptocurrency news, managing various accounts and wallets can be eased by using a crypto asset management software with one general overview.

Why a Cipher Assets Management Platform

Among the multiple benefits of cryptocurrency for a business, a good digital asset management platform is also beneficial. Here’s why:

Less costs

Having multiple wallets can become costly. It is challenging to account all of your cryptocurrency everyday. A crypto asset management platform eases the accounting process and reduces the cost for it.

Less mistakes

An accounting software for digital assets allows you to trace, track, and transfer under complete surveillance. Digital money moves fast even if its stored. If integrated to multiple blockchains and channels, a software can help reduce accounting mistakes by making the process more automated.

More economical

Current crypto asset management practice still relies on paper. Most cryptocurrency is too dynamic for that. Papers have gone to waste just to account crypto assets but a digital platform can reduce that, indirectly reducing costs.

More efficient

Having a digital asset platform doesn’t reduce the need for a human brain. It reduces the amount of workload for them. Cryptocurrencies flow from different channels and anyone who would account for all of that is waiting for a hard crash. An application eases daily activities, not removes human function.

Embraces cryptocurrency

It has been said that business who embraces cryptocurrency embraces an increase in revenue and audience. Having more payment options attracts customers and having a crypto asset platform would help a business integrate that.

Adapts to Situations

Digital asset management differs per company. And so, it should follow that developers would create a platform that could adapt to whatever companies or users would need.

More Security

Data would always require protection and backup. A good digital asset management platform would enforce that. There should be reconciled files, SSIs and APIs incorporated into it.

The World Is Moving Towards a Crypto Future—So Should We

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Source | Coin Telegraph

Cryptocurrency should be accessible to everyone. If it should become the mainstream, people shouldn’t have difficulties with it. With our crypto asset management tools, we open doors for cryptocurrency and traders in the future. The digital world demands ease and accessibility and so good crypto asset management platforms should be available.

As these tools slowly seep into the digital norm, more of the asset class will have a better experience. Above all, the success of the market will depend on the inclusiveness of people, ease of transition and understanding, and overall acceptance. And that should be the job of a digital asset management platform.

This blog originally appeared in Cipher Assets and own copyright of the content of this article. This article was reproduced by EOI Digital with permission.

Posted from the EOI Digital Transformation and Marketing blog :

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